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MALDONADO, María Eugenia. The classroom, a favorable space for the strengthening of citizen and technological competences. sophia [online]. 2018, vol.14, n.1, pp.39-50. ISSN 1794-8932.

This article is the product a research exercise called teaching styles and pedagogical uses of the tics to strengthen the social and technological competences, in the 3rd grade of elementary and future teachers from the teacher training program from the Escuela Normal Superior. Its intentions it to show the results of the process of the Pedagogical Research Practice developed for the training teachers from 4th and 5th semester. The objective was frame in the identification of the didactical strategies by tics and the teaching styles to develop social and technological competences. This research was focus through qualitative research approach, using the methodology of action research. This process allowed a different perspective toward the challenges that the actual society demands to the education field in order to create other relations based on the knowing and the necessity of including the tics in the pedagogical practice where the development of the technological competences of the teachers must be an unpostponable task.

Keywords : Social competences; technological competences; Tics; teaching styles.

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