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Acta Medica Colombiana
Print version ISSN 0120-2448
TAMAYO, Diana Carolina et al. Outpatient and inpatient costs of heart failure in two hospitals in Bogotá. Acta Med Colomb [online]. 2013, vol.38, n.4, pp.208-212. ISSN 0120-2448.
Objective: to make an approach to the determination of direct costs of heart failure (HF) in the country through the evaluation of costs associated with the care of patients seen in two health institutions in Bogota. Methods: low cost third-party payer perspective. Identification of cost generating events in ambulatory care was performed by review of medical records of patients seen during 2011 in the specialized outpatient clinic of an institution. Interconsultations and paraclinical costs were determined according to the 256 Agreement of 2001, with addition of 30%. Medication costs were determined from the SISMED register. Identification of events that generate costs in hospitalization was conducted by reviewing lists and bills of patients treated between 2009 and 2010 in two institutions. The results are presented summarized by measures of central tendency and dispersion, in Colombian pesos (COP) of 2011. Results: the average monthly cost for outpatient treatment of HF was 304,318 COP (D.E. 760 876), with a median of 45,280 COP (RIC 25,539-109,715); drugs represented the main source of resource consumption (55.2%). The average cost of hospitalization for decompensated HF was 6,427,887 COP (D.E. 9.663.176); hospital stay accounted for the largest proportion of the cost (29.1%). Conclusions: outpatient costs, and especially the inpatient ones associated with HF in Colombia are substantial. The main source of costs differs depending on whether the management is hospitable (stay) or outpatient (drugs). (Acta Med Colomb 2013; 38: 208-212).
Keywords : heart failure; costs of health care; cost of illness; Colombia.