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Acta Medica Colombiana

Print version ISSN 0120-2448


SANINT, Valentina; RESTREPO, César Augusto  and  CHALA, Andrés Ignacio. Experience with surgical parathyroidectomy in patients with chronic kidney disease and tertiary hyperparathyroidism. Acta Med Colomb [online]. 2018, vol.43, n.3, pp.136-141. ISSN 0120-2448.


tertiary hyperparathyroidism is the final consequence of alterations in calcium-phosphorus metabolism in patients with chronic kidney disease. Those patients who fail to control it with medical treatment require parathyroidectomy.


go describe the clinical and paraclinical evolution in patients with chronic kidney disease and diagnosis of tertiary hyperparathyroidism, who underwent parathyroidectomy.


prospective study, which included patients with tertiary hyperparathyroidism taken to parathyroidectomy between 2006 and 2015. Pre and post-surgical biochemical studies were performed and the presence and progression of symptoms was evaluated.


32 patients were included. 68.8 (%) were women with an average age of 46.2 years. Statistically significant differences were identified in the change in calcium, phosphorus and PTH values before and after surgery. 81.5% of patients reported the presence of symptoms. 34.6, 26.9, and 23% presented total improvement of bone pain, joint pain and pruritus, respectively. 28% presented postoperative symptomatic hypocalcemia. There were no deaths during follow-up.


parathyroidectomy is a safe and reliable alternative for patients with tertiary hyper-parathyroidism, significantly improving symptoms and alterations in bone and mineral metabolism. Monitoring calcium levels in the postoperative period is important to avoid the complications of the hungry bone syndrome.

Keywords : chronic renal failure; hyperparathyroidism; parathyroidectomy; renal osteodystrophy; dialysis; kidney transplant.

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