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Acta Biológica Colombiana

Print version ISSN 0120-548X


RAMIREZ C, ANGÉLICA  and  PINILLA A, GABRIEL. Trophic Habits, Morphometry and Gonadal Status of Five Fish Species in Different Climatic Periods at the Río Sogamoso (Santander, Colombia). Acta biol.Colomb. [online]. 2012, vol.17, n.2, pp.241-258. ISSN 0120-548X.

The objective of this research was to determine some bioecological aspects for five fish species of the Río Sogamoso, to generate baseline information that will permit analyze the impacts generated for the construction and operation of the Hidrosogamoso dam. For each specimen collected the standard length and total weight were recorded, the correlation between weight and length (W= aLb) was calculated, the gonadal status and the coefficient of vacuity were determined, and the importance of each food category was defined. The "bocachico" (Prochilodus magdalenae) reached greatest abundance in the river during the dry season and the beginning of spawning was recorded in December. Its vacuity coefficient was high and its diet was based on organic matter. Pimelodus blochii and P. grosskopfii reported the greatest catches in December; their diet was based on insects and fish. The Loricariids Chaetostoma cf. thomsoni and Sturisoma aureum were captured only in the middle and upper reaches of river. Their diet was based on organic matter. It is required a more detailed and continue study to set the reproductive cycle of Pimelodus spp. and Loricariids. Given the status of threatened species and its migration dynamics, the "bocachico" is one of the most sensitive species to the construction, filling and operation of the hydroelectric dam on the Río Sogamoso. For Loricariids, the reduction of Río Sogamoso flow may decrease their habitats and limit the connection to the tributaries through which they migrate.

Keywords : Migratory fish; River Sogamoso; trophic ecology; reproductive biology; morphometry.

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