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Papel Politico
Print version ISSN 0122-4409
MARIN ARDILA, Luis Fernando. The Sources of Globalization: Capitalism and Communication. Pap.polit. [online]. 2012, vol.17, n.2, pp.523-548. ISSN 0122-4409.
The so-called globalization is a social, economic, cultural and political practice produced from different sources. This article indicates the importance vertebral in the generation of this new practice and representation of the human (in the past but also in the present) spacetime understanding and structures and capitalist dynamics of production and social relationship. These processes are have been configuring, largely by the structuring role of communication in the dynamic and changing human interactions through innovations and technological inserts and in similar proportion, by the expansion of the capitalist mode of production globally along, at least its five centuries of existence. Since then this correlation between the separation spacetime, understanding spacetime and capitalism as matrices of globalization lead to an interpretation of the same other than the proverbial interconnections and interdependencies cross-border produced just as globalism of the markets or the standardisation of certain practices worldwide as ISO standards, approvals of titles or functional connections between Los. This glimpse into globalization throws hand the challenge of complexity which assumes that a world globalized not only is a context of location of actors, strategies, identities and knowledge but also a frame of reference for action on globalization (context) and globalization (frame of reference).
Keywords : lugar; matrices de globalización; globalismo; ommunication; Capitalism; Space; Time; Understanding Spatio-Temporal; Virtuality; Place; Arrays of Globalization; Globalism; Global Village; Functional Connection; Complex Connectivity; Globalization; analysis; capitalism; communication systems.