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Revista U.D.C.A Actualidad & Divulgación Científica
Print version ISSN 0123-4226
GUTIERREZ-R., Johnatan Alberto et al. IMPROVEMENT OF RECOVERY FOLDING PAPER MECHANICAL PROPERTIES FROM MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE. rev.udcaactual.divulg.cient. [online]. 2014, vol.17, n.1, pp.237-243. ISSN 0123-4226.
Among municipal solid waste - MSW, paper is one of the most promising materials for recycling. However, folding paper (PL), the second category of the paper received in Solid Waste Management Facilities of small municipalities of Valle del Cauca - Colombia, has little marketability and is being sent to final disposal. Therefore, it is convenient to identify options to valorize it. For this proposal, in this research the effect of mixing Paper Bond (PB) with white or brown folding paper (PLB and PLC), taking tension and flexural rigidity as response variables was evaluated. The treatments evaluated for each of the two types of PL were PL: PB 70:30, 80:20, 90:10 and 100:00. In PLB:PB treatments, no significant differences in tension between the treatments were found. For the flexural rigidity, all treatments with PB showed a higher value than the control (PLB: PB 100:00). For treatments PLC:PB, only 70:30 showed a higher value of tension than 100:00 treatment. Additionally, the treatments that contain PLC, presented lower values of flexural rigidity comparing with the treatment 100 PLC:0PB. It can be concluded that to incorporate PB may be an option to improve the recovery and valorization of PL.
Keywords : Use of RSM; exploitation plants; paper recycling; tension and flexural rigidity.