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Civilizar Ciencias Sociales y Humanas

Print version ISSN 1657-8953


KERR, Fergus. An analytical thomism?. Civilizar [online]. 2012, vol.12, n.23, pp.149-158. ISSN 1657-8953.

For 50 years the philosophers of the Anglo-Saxon analytic tradition (E. Anscombre, P. Geach, A. Kenny, P. Foot) have been trying to follow the Thomas Aquinas School which they use as a source to surpass the Cartesian Epistemology and to develop the ethics. of virtue. Recently, J. Haldane has inaugurated a program of "analytical Thomism" whose main result until today has been his "theory of mind/world identity". Nevertheless, none of Thomás' admirers has still found the means of assimilating his metaphysics of being.

Keywords : Analytical philosophy; E. Anscombe; J. L. Austin; the ethics of virtue; P. Geach; J. Haldane; A. Kenny; Metaphysics of Being; G. Ryle; Thomas Aquinas.

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