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Revista Colombiana de Entomología

Print version ISSN 0120-0488On-line version ISSN 2665-4385


SALAS, JORGE. Capture of Tuta absoluta (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) in traps baited with its sex pheromone. Rev. Colomb. Entomol. [online]. 2004, vol.30, n.1, pp.75-78. ISSN 0120-0488.

The lesser tómalo leaf mlner Tula (=Scrobipalpula) absoluta (Myerick), is a pest insect of primary importance in the insect complex that attacks tomato in Venezuela. Several control The strategies for its control with an IPM program nave been: cultural strategies, such as the destruction of post-harvest residues and rotation with non-solanaceous crops, biological control with the egg parasitoid Trichogramma sp. and the use of biological and organosynthetic insecticides. Its synthetic sex pheromone [(3E, 8Z, HZ)-3,8,ll-tetradecatrienyl acétate (95%) + (3E, 8Z)-3,8-tetradecadienyl acétate (5%)], dispensed in rubber septa, was evaluated in experimental tomato plots in 1997 and in commercials plantings in 1999, using water traps (TA) and Delta sticky traps (TDA) as capture devices. Resulte showed that TA captures ranged from 1,25 and 4,33 adults per trap per night (a/t/n), and TDA between 0,52 and 2,75 a/t/n during the flrst five weeks which could indícate that populations were low. After placing out new lures (19-0997), captures increase substantially, ranging from 4,11 and 17,58 a/t/n and 2,11 and 15,42 a/t/n, respectively. In 1999 capture in both traps was low, ranging from 0,46 and 8,18 a/t/n and 0,59 and 2,48 a/t/n, respectively. TA had a greater number of captures with differences (p<0,05) compared to TDA. These resulte suggest that this pheromone can detect this insect pest even in low populations and represente a new alternative to monitor and/or control ite populations in an IFM program.

Keywords : Sex attractant; Gelechiid; Integrated pest management; Leaf miner; Tomato.

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