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Revista Salud Uninorte

Print version ISSN 0120-5552On-line version ISSN 2011-7531


ACOSTA-FERNANDEZ, MARTÍN et al. Occupational stress, burnout, mental health and its relationship with workplace violence in university teachers. Salud, Barranquilla [online]. 2019, vol.35, n.3, pp.328-342. ISSN 0120-5552.


To know the relationship between work stress, burnout syndrome and mental health problems with violence and psychological harassment at work.

Materials and methods:

Questionnaires: Sociodemographic data, Work Stress, Maslach Burnout, General Health Goldberg and Inventory for Violence and Psychological Harassment at Work. Descriptive, analytical and transversal study. Shows 68 teachers. Univariate statistical analysis for sample sociodemographic description and study variables through absolute and relative frequencies with a 95% CI. Bivariate analysis X2 test for parametric variables and Fisher's exact nonparametric variables, p <0.05.


Statistical significance univariate analysis for stress (territory p = 0.007, influence of the leader p = 0.008, lack of cohesion p = 0.03 and support of the group p = 0.038); affectations mental health (interpersonal relationships p = 0.022 and sleep disorders p = 0.012). Bivariate analysis for stress and level of intensity of violence (p = 0.000), stress and level of presence of psychological harassment (p = 0.000) for both groups. Stratification by gender with statistical significance for prevalence mental health, male, medicine program (value p = 0.028).


Both groups presented a relationship between sources of stress, alterations to mental health and violence and psychological harassment. However, the nursing group faces a more impoverished work environment and expresses itself through unfavorable leadership and manifests as disharmony in interpersonal relationships and poor personal fulillment through work.

Keywords : Occupational stress; burnout; workplace violence; faculty medical; faculty nursing.

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