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Cuadernos de Desarrollo Rural

Print version ISSN 0122-1450


SOLANO, Sergio Paolo. Relationships difficult. Textile industry and cotton production in the Colombian Caribbean Region, 1850-1930. Cuad. Desarro. Rural [online]. 2009, vol.6, n.62, pp.53-79. ISSN 0122-1450.

This article explores the relationship between cotton production in the Colombian Caribbean, international demand and the demand of the national textile industry between 1850 and 1930. Are analyzed the conditions in which the cultivation of cotton in this region, highlighting the technology used in the production and marketing of fiber, and the relationship between the direct producer, land ownership and capital market intermediaries between production and markets. It is argued that the To fall on small farmers without land ownership, subject to the system of pasture land and money for advancement in the crop, cotton production had a tendency to stagnation, prices not competitive with foreign production and lower quality fiber. In its initial phase (1910-1929) the textile industry in this region but stimulated the production for the domestic market did not change the factors set forth and consequently native cotton prices remained higher than abroad due to the conditions that occurred . After 1930 the state became a factor and regulatory policies of quotas, tariffs and incentives helped off the cotton production in other regions of the country.

Keywords : Cultivation of cotton; Colombian Caribbean coast; land tenure; agricultural technology; textile industry; occupation.

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