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Palabra Clave

Print version ISSN 0122-8285


ARROYAVE-CABRERA, Jesús Antonio  and  MILLER, Toby. From Media Ecology to Deep Media Ecology: Clarifying the Metaphor and Revealing its Environmental Impact. Palabra Clave [online]. 2017, vol.20, n.1, pp.239-268. ISSN 0122-8285.

Media ecology has given rise to an important reflection about the technology-society dyad. However, despite coining a concept related to the environment, different authors have questioned the fact that this multidisciplinary field did not result in any significant contribution to the environmental context. Regarding media ecology, technologies have had a significant impact on the planet. However, recent trends in research in communication deem that this change transcends the symbolic plane to the material plane, leading to serious consequences for ecosystems, living beings and the sustainability of the planet. Based on the approach of Norwegian philosopher Arne Naess, this paper aims to contribute to remedying the outstanding debt of media ecology towards the environment. In order to encourage this reflection, we expand the metaphor of media ecology to that of deep media ecology, looking to analyze the relationship between technologies and devices associated with the media and their connection with society.

Keywords : Media ecology; deep ecology; environment; environmental communication; ecological thinking.

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