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Print version ISSN 0123-921X


ARIAS LAMOS, Daniela; MONTANO DIAZ, Laura Natalia; VELASCO SANCHEZ, María Alejandra  and  MARTINEZ GIRON, Jader. Functional foods: advances of application in agroindustry. Tecnura [online]. 2018, vol.22, n.57, pp.55-68. ISSN 0123-921X.


A study was made about the bioactive compounds of certain foods, while taking into account the benefits they generate to human health.


This article presents a bibliographic review of the different applications of functional foods and their application in agroindustry.


It was found that bad eating habits can generate a deficit in the requirement of bioactive compounds important for the proper functioning of the organism. On the other hand, the demand and the trend of consumption of functional foods is getting bigger due to the multiple benefits and potential uses that can be obtained from them, along with the basic nutritional needs they cover.


There is evidence of interest in conducting new studies about obtaining this type of food. For this, new ingredients should be incorporated in food matrices, in order to preserve the bioactive compounds and that they perform their main function (apart from nourish): to reduce or control various diseases that may be chronic in some cases.

Keywords : Bioactive compounds; Prebiotics; Probiotics; Human health.

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