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Print version ISSN 0124-0137


NARVAEZ, Jonnathan H.  and  OBANDO, Lina M.. Disruptive behaviors in adolescents in a situation of sociocultural deprivation. Psicogente [online]. 2020, vol.23, n.44, pp.144-165.  Epub June 09, 2020. ISSN 0124-0137.


Sociocultural deprivation is a multifactorial phenomenon that affects the processes of development and adaptation of individuals to their contexts of socialization and learning. Hence, the importance of studying the predisposing factors of sociocultural deprivation and school disruption, meanwhile, it provides interpretative inputs that promote the understanding of the influence of socioenvironmental dynamics on the relationship and coexistence processes in the school.


To characterize the disruptive behaviors in adolescents in a situation of sociocultural deprivation, favoring a framework of understanding that allows us to understand the genesis of disruptive factors in the interaction dynamics of the School-Community.


At the methodological level, the qualitative paradigm was subscribed with a historical-hermeneutical approach and a micro-ethnographic method, using techniques such as in-depth interviews and participant observation; The study included 80 students from communes 10, 6, and 3, 30 female and 50 male, with an age range of 13 to 17 years in the Pasto city, with reports of school disruption and whose socio-community environments show predisposing factors to the sociocultural deprivation.


It is possible to identify the disruptive behaviors that affect the teaching-learning process and the associated sociocultural deprivation factors, then it exposes the disruptive behaviors with incidence in the processes of school coexistence, and outlines an interpretative framework on the consequences of the disruption in school dynamics.


Sociocultural deprivation shows a situation of social disadvantage at the time that schoolchildren exposed to its predisposing factors have fewer tools for adapting and taking advantage of school experience, it is also one of the triggers of school disruption, a multifactorial phenomenon that affects both coexistence and academic processes; and a predictor of school failure.

Keywords : disruptive behaviors; sociocultural deprivation; school environment; schoolcommunity.

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