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Diversitas: Perspectivas en Psicología

Print version ISSN 1794-9998


LOPEZ-ASTORGA, Miguel. Razones a favor de una interpretación material del condicional. Divers.: Perspect. Psicol. [online]. 2018, vol.14, n.2, pp.221-232. ISSN 1794-9998.

The most suitable way to understand conditional sentences has been discussed since antiquity. Two contemporary cognitive theories, mental logic theory and mental models theory, have opposite views in that regard. According to the former, the conditional is undoubtedly not material. Although it does not explicitly state it, the latter seems, in principle, to attribute characteristics consistent with that interpretation to this operator. In this paper, this controversy is viewed in depth and an attempt is made to show that examples of conditionals given by the mental logic theory in order to demonstrate that a material understanding of them is not right can reveal, nevertheless, if analyzed in detail from the perspective of the mental models theory, that the average individual does tend to an understanding of conditional sentences in that direction.

Keywords : conditional; material interpretation; classical logic; mental logic; mental models.

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