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Producción + Limpia

Print version ISSN 1909-0455


GARCIA GOMEZ, Angela Goretty; ROMERO RAMOS, Rodrigo  and  CASTRO SALAZAR, Hans Thielin. Use of fish scales from acuicultural industries in the Huila Province, Colombia. Rev. P+L [online]. 2016, vol.11, n.2, pp.102-110. ISSN 1909-0455.

ABSTRACT Introduction. Acuicultural industries represent almost 50 % of the fish products available and Huila province holds the first place in Colombia in terms of tilapia fish (Oreochromis sp) production and exports. Nevertheless, like any transformation industrial activity, it generates waste products that affect the environment and fish scales are one of them. In some cases they are thrown into the water bodies, increasing the organic matter content, or buried, increasing the proliferation of vectors such as flies or rodents. In order to have an industry that meets the sustainable development standards. Objective. Alternatives to make the fish scales generated by the different stages of tilapia fish processing an asset were sought, aiming to obtain biopolymers such as chitin and chitosan, which have great application chances in the pharmaceutical and the cosmetic industries. Materials and method. For that purpose, the scales were cleaned and dried and, later, chemically demineralized deproteinized and deacetylated in order to obtain the products intended. The scales were treated with NaOH 0,5N at 80 °C for four hours, then mixed with HCL l,25N at 30 °C during eight hours and taken to neutral pH. For the deacetylation, two techniques were evaluated: one with a strong base, NaOH at 0,75N at 100 °C called (Ml) and the other with a strong acid of HCl at 37 % during 24 hours called (M2). Result. Obtaining positive results in the infrared analysis for apatite, hydroxyapatite, and chitosan. Conclusion. The acquisition of this polymer implies an option of valorization of this byproduct, in order that the fish industry huilense increase its income and this sector is developed sustainably.

Keywords : chitosan; fish scales; Huila.

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