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Entre Ciencia e Ingeniería

Print version ISSN 1909-8367


CAICEDO, C.E.; PABON, A. J.  and  MIRAMA, V. F.. A power control algorithm for WLAN based on Game Theory. Entre Ciencia e Ingenieria [online]. 2019, vol.13, n.25, pp.77-84. ISSN 1909-8367.

The ubiquity and wide deployment of wireless local area networks (WLAN) have increased the inherent risk of interference. Numerous studies have shown that power control is an efficient alternative to deal with interference and an outstanding framework for modeling scenarios in which user equipments perform power control is game theory. However, the research in this field has focused on the theoretical analysis and system-level simulations given the complexity of implementing power control in a real environment. This paper shows the implementation of a power control algorithm for WLAN based on game theory (GT), specifically, the IEEE 802.11.a standard using software defined radio (SDR) platforms and reconfigurable hardware. The results show that the algorithm significantly increases the energy savings and energy efficiency of the stations (STA) and decreases the interference. The interference reduction improves the overall network performance, decreasing the FER, and increasing the throughput.

Keywords : Power Control; IEEE 802.11; Interference; SDR; game Theory; WLAN..

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