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 issue4El impacto del 9 de abril en Cali y el Valle del CaucaEntre el oficio y la disciplina: Hacia un balance del quehacer antropológico en el Valle del Cauca author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Print version ISSN 2011-0324


ZULUAGA, Julio César. La historiografía económica sobre del Valle del Cauca: Siglos XIX-XX. CS [online]. 2009, n.4, pp.91-126. ISSN 2011-0324.

This article tackles, from a quantitative perspective, the economic historiography in el Valle del Cauca for the nineteenth and twentieth -centuries, with the aim of presenting a preliminary approximation to a historiographical balance on this topic. Through the analysis of aspects, such as the type and frequency of publications, the authors, their nationality and disciplines represented, the themes developed, the chronology and the spaces studied, this article will access the level of development that this historiographical subfield has achieved in the study and analysis of the regional economy.

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