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 issue4Configuración de una élite política en Cali: 1958-1998El giro a la izquierda en América Latina y el nacimiento del nuevo bolivarianismo: las tradiciones de la Komintern y la actualidad author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Print version ISSN 2011-0324


CRESPO RAZEG, Faride. La élite en Cali algunos estudios empíricos. CS [online]. 2009, n.4, pp.177-192. ISSN 2011-0324.

This article presents a bibliographical review of the main studies on the subject of ''elites'' in the city of Cali. The text summarizes the assumptions and conclusions of five empirical perspectives on the subject, which reveals how the ''elites'' have been studied according to their values; their methods and strategies to maintain hegemony at the political and economic level; and the role they have played in the development of the region. The author proposes questions that might open new research possibilities in this field.

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