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Revista Interamericana de Bibliotecología

Print version ISSN 0120-0976


RODRIGUES, Charles  and  GODOY-VIERA, Angel Freddy. The Use of Hypermedia Videos in Scientific Journals: A Study of the Journal of Visualized Experiments (JOVE). Rev. Interam. Bibliot [online]. 2017, vol.40, n.2, pp.153-164. ISSN 0120-0976.

In this article, it`s discuss the use of the hypermedia video resource in scientific journals. For this, an analysis of the Journal of Visualized Experiments (JOVE) was carried out. The conceptual basis is divided into two parts: in the first, are exposed the possibilities of using hypermedia resources in scientific journals; and the second shows the benefits of using video and the experiences of some periodicals and publishers. The Results and Discussions section is divided into three subsections. In the first one, the editorial features of the journal are described, identifying: the subscription and access forms, the publication process, the bases which it is indexed, the impact factor and the composition of the editorial body. In the second, it is approached the number of articles published per year and the distribution by topic area. The third one identifies the standards and technologies used. It is considered that the use of video in scientific journals can contribute to the enhancement of scientific communication. As benefits, stand out: improvement of the description of phenomena and dynamic and complex procedures; increase the visibility of research projects; decrease in time and money spent on experiments; and increased research reproducibility. However, some important issues need further deepening.

Keywords : scientific journal; scientific communication; hypermedia resource video.

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