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Ciencia y Tecnología Agropecuaria

Print version ISSN 0122-8706On-line version ISSN 2500-5308

Cienc. Tecnol. Agropecuaria vol.20 no.1 Mosquera Jan./Apr. 2019




Takumasa Kondo1 

1Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (Agrosavia)

We have now operated for half a year as agrosavia. The balance of our renewal and transformation work is just beginning to emerge, and the scenarios that we have in front of us, welcomes not only a corporation with new challenges and perspectives, but also demonstrates that the work carried out for 25 years as Corpoica, continues to be essential in the relationship we have established for so long with agricultural producers, extension agents, and decision-makers in different areas, as well as in the development of cutting-edge technologies connected with the growth of small producers in rural areas throughout the country.

The transforming effect of the new corporation also transcended its publications; among these, we highlight the scientific journal that for more than 20 years has been supported by its network of editors, authors, evaluators, readers, and professionals in the sector. Until December 2018, we were called Corpoica Ciencia y Tecnología Agropecuaria [Corpoica, Agricultural Science and Technology], a title, an issn, and an identity that was important to preserve considering that it constitutes a patrimony not only for the institution but for the field. A complete change in the title would have meant starting from zero after more than 20 years of efforts in terms of recognition, visibility, and a task of permanent indexing.

Therefore, we eliminated the acronym derived from our previous institutional name and kept part of that legacy preserving the subtitle Ciencia y Tecnología Agropecuaria [Agricultural Science and Technology], the title that has identified us since January 2019 as a scientific journal with which agrosavia contributes to the field of agricultural science in Colombia and Latin America. It is our duty to continue strengthening our scientific journal before the community of experts and positioning it in the increasingly competitive world of the indexing and summary systems.

We have grown exceedingly in the last two years. In October of 2017, our journal was accepted in Scopus, Q4; further, in May 2018, it was visible in the Scimago Journal Rank; in December of that same year, our journal was endorsed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (cope) that is in charge of regulating publication processes in terms of editorial policy ethics and editorial practices in scientific publications; and more recently, in January 2019, our journal was accepted in the Master Journal List of Clarivate Analytics, which is a step further on the way to entering the Journal Citation Reports.

These achievements —although they still seem small— were not easy to achieve; they are the result of planning and following the vision of a cohesive team committed to the publication of free access quality content, which not only makes the production of our researchers visible, but that it is also open to the output of national and international authors interested in participating in the scientific dialogue and in the circulation of specialized knowledge in different thematic lines that comprise the agricultural and livestock sciences, both in Latin America and around the world.

All this work has obtained positive effects in terms of visibility and recognition by other researchers worldwide. However, there are still many things to do and to improve, i.e., there is a long way to go, including sustaining the position of the journal — even among our own researchers— as an ideal space to publish research results of authors in this field willing to bet on a new way of doing and thinking.

We expect that these first six months as agrosavia will give us many more years as a scientific journal to strengthen the circulation of agricultural research results in Colombia, in the region and around the world. Hence, we invite you to continue being part of this effort so we can continue to be a reference in the field.

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