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Persona y Bioética

Print version ISSN 0123-3122On-line version ISSN 2027-5382


CASAS MARTINEZ, María de la Luz. Is Transhumanism the End of Medicine?. pers.bioét. [online]. 2022, vol.26, n.2, e2629.  Epub Mar 07, 2023. ISSN 0123-3122.

Currently, biotechnological advances have surpassed the classical aims of medicine. Critical conceptual changes have impacted the medical construct of the doctor-patient relationship, such as a) the diversity of the concept of human nature; b) the concept of human corporeality; c) the subjective concept of autonomy, and d) the value of quality of life. A bioethical analysis of these concepts leads to understanding why current medicine could be heading towards an ‘enhancement’ or ‘transhumanist’ medicine. The conclusion shows that medicine accepts the application of biotechnology advances under the classical postulates focused on the health field and that it is necessary to deeply reflect on their application to provide improvements or new functions to healthy subjects.

Keywords : DeCS): Personal Autonomy; Biotechnology; Quality of Life; Human Characteristics; Health; Analysis.

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