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Print version ISSN 0124-0137


MUNOZ ROJAS, Delvis; ORELLANO, Nataly  and  HERNANDEZ PALMA, Hugo. Psychosocial risk: trends and new labour guidelines. Psicogente [online]. 2018, vol.21, n.40, pp.532-544. ISSN 0124-0137.

This review paper aims to analyze and identify the trends and new labor guidelines related to psychosocial risk given in different business fields from our country and also, how these labor orientations take strength for Colombian workers, taking into account several factors into different scenarios. A growing impact of psychosocial risk consequences within organizations, has been observed in recent years; That is why, it becomes essential to study the normativity applied in the national and international context, in order to clarify the current point of view related to how national organizations deal with these kind of risks, and whether the measures taken are really effective in preventing the consequences of workers’ exposure to this type of hazard inherent in all working environments.

Keywords : stress; risk factors; impact; occupational health and organizational culture.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )