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Ecos de Economía

Print version ISSN 1657-4206


CASTRO ESCOBAR, Edisson. The Transportation Logistics of Manufactured Products in the Colombian Internal Market. ecos.econ. [online]. 2014, vol.18, n.39, pp.73-95. ISSN 1657-4206.

This paper tracks the transport logistics of the Colombian manufacturing industry in the domestic market, analyzing the direction and the volume of the cargo moved by road. The study is intended to identify some sectorial and regional enclaves of the industry that could be strategic for market diversification and to facilitate production chains. Estimates of land freight movements are made based on the origin-destination survey carried out by the Ministry of Transportation in 2008. The different regional and sectorial flows are projected through a geodetic network model. The results indicate that regional differences in product specialization explain the movement of cargo from specific industries, while in other cases there are no significant flows because the industries largely serve local markets.

Keywords : inter-regional trade; productive specialization; regional economy.

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