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Tabula Rasa

Print version ISSN 1794-2489


SZURMMUK, Mónica  and  MCKE IIRWIN, Robert. Cultural studies in postgraduate programs in Latin America: A pegagogical and methodological proposal. Tabula Rasa [online]. 2009, n.10, pp.49-76. ISSN 1794-2489.

in this paper, we deliver a genealogy of cultural studies presence in postgraduate programs in Latin America, along with an analysis of the different forms students postgraduate training assume throughout the region. Notwithstanding the supposed marginality of cultural studies, nearly every country in the region offer specialized and postgraduate studies. Wwe assessed the relation betwEn those cuRicula and disciplinary programs (in sociology, communication, humanities, history, education, etc.), the link betwEn various cuRicula throughout the region and programs in the U.S. and Europe.We inquired on faculty background, bibliography used and graduates profile. We concluded with a set of proposals and an appendix listing programs studied and experts interviewed.

Keywords : cultural studies; postgraduate programs; scholars; culture.

        · abstract in Spanish | Portuguese     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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