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Revista Finanzas y Política Económica

Print version ISSN 2248-6046


PAILLACHO-BOLANOS, Lisbeth Cathiana; PALACIN-SANCHEZ, María José; IRIMIA-DIEGUEZ, Ana Isabel  and  PEREZ-LOPEZ, José Ángel. Gender Influence on the Performance of Microfinance Institutions: The Case of Latin America and the Caribbean. Finanz. polit. econ. [online]. 2024, vol.16, n.1, pp.65-94.  Epub May 29, 2024. ISSN 2248-6046.

The aim of this research is to determine the influence of the female labor force on the performance of microfinance institutions of Latin America and the Caribbean. Based on data obtained in the MIX Market, the influence of women in positions such as loan officers, managers and board members were analyzed in171 IMFS from 18 countries in the region between 2010-2018, measuring efficiency, productivity, financial performance and outreach. Results show that female loan officers and female managers positively influence performance, while female board members do so negatively. However, when analyzing the influence of the female boards on those boards where they have a majority participation, better performance is observed. It is recommended to increase the female participation in the IMFs workforce, especially at higher levels.

Keywords : microfinance institutions; female participation; efficiency; productivity; profitability; Latin America and the Caribbean.

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