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BERVIAN, Alexander et al. The influence of the glycerin concentration on the porous structure of ferritic stainless steel obtained by anodization. Dyna rev.fac.nac.minas [online]. 2015, vol.82, n.190, pp.46-52. ISSN 0012-7353.

Anodizing of ferritic stainless steel has been used for decoration purposes to obtain a barrier effect. The most commonly used electrolyte for this process is INCO (5M H2SO4 + 2,5M CrO3). INCO electrolyte with glycerin addition induces the formation of ordered porous structures, because glycerin reduces the electrolyte conductivity. Ferritic stainless steel was anodized in electrolyte composed by 2M H2SO4 with glycerin addition in different concentrations, without chromium oxide addition. It was observed that the addition of 90 v/v% glycerin promoted a reduction in the electrolyte conductivity, which caused an increase in the anodizing potential. The glycerin addition to the electrolyte diminished the oxide dissolution in the electrolytic solution, promoting the formation of an oxide with an ordered porous structure.

Keywords : Anodizing; ferritic stainless steel; glycerin; porous structure.

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