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Revista colombiana de Gastroenterología

Print version ISSN 0120-9957

Rev Col Gastroenterol vol.30 no.3 Bogotá July/Sept. 2015


Publindex Categorization

Jaime Alvarado Bestene MD. (1)

(1) Editor and Director Colombian Review of Gastroenterology

Received:     18-08-15    Accepted:     15-09-15

In in lieu of an editorial, in this issue of the magazine we are publishing a letter from the editor to the Directorate General of Colciencias and a copy of the resolution of that body setting temporary criteria and classifications governing magazines until its new categorization system is implemented. The decision in question leaves out categorization of magazines like ours which had been submitted within the prescribed time limits. This is a matter of unjust discrimination that has created academic difficulties for our authors. Since our magazine fulfilled the deadlines established by Colciencias without omitting any information or requirements of their criteria, the silence of that state agency which is empowered to categorize magazine has caused unrest and uncertainty, and, as I mentioned, discriminates unfairly. Our letter has had no response.


Bogotá, August 14, 2015


Yaneth Giha Tovar

Director General


Dear Doctor:

In my role as Editor and Director of the Colombian Review of Gastroenterology, and taking in to consideration that Publindex categorization has a profound impact on the life of a scientific publication and on the academic life of those who submit their research papers to be considered for publication in a magazine like ours which has been classified in category A2 since 2008, I respectfully request a communication to our authors in which you explain why Resolution 376 of May 28, 2015 does not cover the extension of validity of magazines that ended their terms in December 2014 and anxiously awaited the second update of that year.

We participated in the 2013 update and the conclusions were delivered in January 2014 with results valid until December of that year. We presented our updated information for the second update of 2014 because of  the requirements of the previous update, but for the sake of the implementation of the New National Bibliographical Index it has been delayed until June 2015. Therefore, those who publish in our magazine have been hurt significantly as we see with surprise that there is no Publindex classification of our magazine this year in any category and apparently will not be until the results of this update are delivered.


Jaime Alvarado Bestene, MD

Editor and Director

Colombian Review of Gastroenterology

RESOLUTION No. 376 OF 2015

MAY 28, 2015

By which the validity of the magazines indexed, approved and in force in Publindex is prolonged and a new process for categorizing journals whose classifications are out of date or which are newly applying for classification is announced.


in the exercise of her constitutional and legal powers, particularly those conferred by Article 59 paragraph 3 point 60a and Article 65 of Law 489 of 1998 and by points 4, 5, and nine of Decree 1904 of 2009, and


that according to Article 24 of Decree 1279 of 2002, COLCIENCIAS is designated as the national entity which is responsible for indexing and standardizing specialized CTeL (Ciencia, technologia y innovación – Science, Technology and Innovation) publications into four (4) categories (Al, A2, B and C) which together form the National Bibliographical Index, Publindex.

that indexing and approval policy has been an important tool for strengthening visibility and recognition of national scientific communities at local and international levels.

that the results of this process culminate in indexing and validation of a total four hundred thirty-four (434) magazines, of which one hundred sixty-eight (168) have categorizations current to June 2015 and two hundred sixty-six (266) have categorizations that will be current until December of that year, and that in addition to the above, the process reveals that the categorizations of a total of one hundred and eight (108) additional magazines have expired.

that, due to the above, and on the date of May 20, 2015, the Directorate for the Promotion of Research submitted two proposals which directly impact the indexing service and approval process of Publindex for consideration and approval by the Committee of the Sub-Directorate of the administrative department, and that, on the one hand, for the four hundred thirty-four (434) magazines that to date have indexing or approvals in force, the terms of these approved categorizations are automatically extended for the two years mentioned in the "Guidelines Document for Permanent Service of Indexing of Colombian Journals of Sciences, Technology and Innovation", but for the one hundred and eight (108) remaining journals whose categorizations have expired, a new process with extended range is made available, so that anyone who may have an interest in categorization can go to COLCIENCIAS to achieve that objective.

that the measures proposed were previously analyzed and discussed in the Technical Steering Committee on May 14, 2015 (Act No. 5) and unanimously approved by all of the members present and entitled to vote.

that, in relation to the justification of the measures proposed, both the minutes mentioned and the attached document submitted to the Committee of the Sub-Directorate, argued specifically that:

"... This petition has been made to address the situations presented in the transition process during the implementation of the new National Bibliographic Index ...."

"... The magazines that COLCIENCIAS is required to classify and approve must be available to the Internal Committees for Recognition of the Scores of Institutions ...".

that prior to initiation of the new indexing process, and in order to prevent expiration of the current classifications of magazines that were categorized in the second update and thus maintain an index of indexed magazines, it is desirable to have a transition period to make proper and appropriate adjustments in the Publindex in order to find the tool that best responds to the real needs of the CTeL sector (purging and quality).

that, in the session of the Committee of the Sub-Directorate of May 20, 2015, the measures proposed by the Directorate for the Promotion of Research, with the understanding that four hundred thirty-four (434) magazines currently have their categorizations in force, were approved and that they will be extended until the new indexing and approval process becomes available without prejudice to their ability to participate in that process in case a new classification is needed on the basis of the new guidelines and procedures to be established by the administrative department, a process that in equal measure shall apply to magazines with expired classifications and to all those who may have an interest in achieving indexing or approval.

Upon the grounds of all of the aforementioned, be it


FIRST ARTICLE. EXTENSION OF APPLICABILITY: extend the validity of the four hundred thirty-four (434) magazines published and classified in Publindex until the publication of results of the new indexing and approval process which will be announced in a timely fashion.

ARTICLE TWO. MODIFICATION OF DOCUMENT GUIDE: under the terms of the preceding paragraph of this resolution it is understood that this administrative act modifies, as appropriate, the validity of updates and approvals in the "Guidelines Document for Permanent Service of Indexing of Colombian Journals of Sciences, Technology and Innovation".

ARTICLE THREE. NEW CATEGORIZATION: COLCIENCIAS invites all those who currently do not have valid indexing or approval and all those who have an interest in this matter. The conditions of this process will be published in due course in physical and digital media arranged for this purpose.

ARTICLE FOUR. PUBLICATION: This resolution is valid from the date of issuance and will be published on the website of COLCIENCIAS,


in BogotáD.C. on May 28, 2015

(Signed in the original)

Yaneth Giha Tovar

Director General