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Revista MVZ Córdoba

Print version ISSN 0122-0268

Rev.MVZ Cordoba vol.22 no.2 Córdoba May/Aug. 2017 


Gastrointestinal protozoa in dairy calves: identification of risk factors for infection

Protozoos gastrointestinales en terneros lecheros: identificación de factores de riesgo para la infección

Andreia Volpato1 

Alexandre Alberto Tonin2 

Gustavo Machado3 

Lenita Moura Stefani1 

Gabriela Campigotto1 

Patricia Glombowsky1 

Gabriela Miotto Galli1 

Juscivete Fatima Favero1 

Aleksandro Schafer da Silva1  * 

1 Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (UDESC), Department of Animal Science, Chapecó, SC, Brazil.

2 Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina (UNOESC), Department of Veterinary Medicine, Xanxerê, SC, Brazil.

3 Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Department of Veterinary Medicine, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil.



This study aimed to evaluate the occurrence of gastrointestinal protozoa in dairy calves and to identify potential risk factors for this type of infection.

Materials and methods.

For this purpose, 243 fecal samples were collected from calves up to 60 days of age in 43 dairy farms located in the West region of Santa Catarina state, Brazil. Samples were examined by centrifugal-flotation technique.


As a result, Giardia was present in 26.75% (65/243) of all samples, Eimeria in 21.81% (53/243), and Cryptosporidium in 20.99% (51/243). Additionally, 46.50% (113/243) of the samples were negative for any protozoa, while 39.10% (95/243) and 14.40% (35/208) showed single and mixed infections, respectively. There was a higher association between Cryptosporidium and Giardia (6.99%) in cases of mixed infections. However, the triple protozoa association had the lowest prevalence in mixed infections (2.06%). Epidemiologically, a questionnaire was applied to determine risk factors for these parasitic infections. Based on the statistical model applied, some risk factors for Cryptosporidium infections were identified, highlighting feeding management, period of time that calves stayed with their mothers (cows), and contact with dogs; the risk of contracting Giardia increased according to the milk source, while the floor type bedding, and age were appointed as risks factors for Eimeria.


Therefore, it is possible to confirm that Giardia, Cryptosporidium and Eimeria may infect dairy calves, and the knowledge of some risk factors associated to their infection in calves.

Keywords: Cryptosporidium spp.; dairy cattle; Eimeria spp; Giardia spp.; parasitic diseases



El objetivo evaluar la ocurrencia de protozoos gastrointestinales en terneros lecheros y de identificar posibles factores de riesgo para infección.

Materiales y métodos.

Se recogieron 243 muestras de heces de terneros de hasta 60 días de edad en 43 granjas lecheras ubicadas en la región del oeste del estado de Santa Catarina, Brasil. Las muestras fueron examinadas por la técnica de centrifugación-flotación.


Como resultado, Giardia estaba presente en 26.75% (65/243) de todas las muestras, Eimeria en 21.81% (53/243), y Cryptosporidium en 20.99% (51/243). Además, 46.50% (113/243) de las muestras fueron negativas para cualquier protozoos, mientras que 39.10% (95/243) y 14.40% (35/208) mostraron infecciones simples y mixtas, respectivamente. Hubo una mayor asociación entre Cryptosporidium y Giardia (6.99%) en los casos de infecciones mixtas. Sin embargo, la asociación de triple protozoos tenía la menor prevalencia de infecciones mixtas (2.06%). Epidemiológicamente, se aplicó un cuestionario para determinar los factores de riesgo para estas infecciones parasitarias. Se han identificado algunos factores de riesgo de infecciones por Cryptosporidium, destacando manejo de la alimentación, periodo de tiempo que los terneros permanecieron con sus madres (vacas), y el contacto con los perros; el riesgo de contraer Giardia incrementado en función de la fuente de la leche, mientras que el tipo de suelo de las camas, y la edad fueron nombrados como los riesgos de factores de Eimeria.


Es posible confirmar que Giardia, Cryptosporidium y Eimeria pueden infectar a terneros lecheros, y el conocimiento de algunos factores de riesgo asociados a la infección en terneros.

Palabras clave: Cryptosporidium spp; Eimeria spp; enfermedades parasitarias; ganado lechero; Giardia spp


Dairy cattle production is an important livestock activity, especially because milk has high nutritional value and it is consumed by most of the world’s population. This activity generates income and has social impact for many segments of the production chain, such as producers, processors, equipment suppliers, traders, among others. In Brazil, dairy cattle production has a variety of profiles, that goes from properties with low technological level to those with high standards of production throughout this continental country. According to FAO 1, The United States of America is the largest milk producer (87,461,300 tons per year), and Brazil is the fifth largest with an annual production of 31,667,600 tons per year, corresponding to 5.3% of the world production.

Dairy cattle business is growing in Brazil and milk production increased 350% between 1974 and 2011 2. This growth lead to a solid system for raising heifers, aiming herd replacement; however, producers are still facing some challenges, such as high neonatal mortality. The main cause of early death of calves is diarrhea, mainly caused by infective agents 3-5. Some authors have described diarrhea as the leading cause of death in calves due to dehydration 3,5 during the first two weeks of life up to 3-4 months of age 5. Environmental factors, nutritional issues and infectious agents are usually involved in cases of diarrhea as the protozoa Cryptosporidium spp., Giardia spp. and Eimeria spp. 3-5.

Protozoa of the genus Eimeria Schneider, 1875, may cause coccidiosis in cattle, more often in young animals, and this disease is characterized by diarrhea or dysentery, related to significant economic losses due to the occurrence of high morbidity and mortality, as well as increased costs for prevention and treatment 6. Eimeria is an obligate intracellular parasite of the intestinal mucosa, leading (in some cases) to massive cell destruction of the large intestine, causing the malabsorption syndrome 7,8. The bovine cryptosporidiosis is a protozoal disease caused by Cryptosporidium, Tyzzer 1907, and it infects animals regardless of sex, age, or type that may or may not demonstrate clinical signs, but often causing great economic losses 9. Infected hosts eliminate the infective form of the parasite, called oocysts, in their feces, contaminating the environment, food and/or water. Thus, susceptible animals become infected through oocyst ingestion or inhalation 10. Giardia spp., Kunstler 1882, is considered one of the most important intestinal parasite of humans and animals, usually associated to the occurrence of diarrhea. This protozoan may be involved in the onset of neonatal diarrhea, independently or associated with other endoparasites 11.

Therefore, as noted above, protozoal infections in domestic animals lead to severe health problems, in addition to economic losses to producers. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the occurrence of infections caused by Cryptosporidium, Giardia and Eimeria in calves with or without diarrhea, as well as identify potential risk factors for infection.


Local and animals. This study was carried out in 43 dairy farms located in the Western region of Santa Catarina State, Southern Brazil. Fecal samples (n=243) of female calves, aging from one to 60 days were randomly collected regardless of race, type of environment, or animal management. On average, five grams of feces were collected aseptically (using latex gloves) from each calf with or without diarrhea, properly stored on ice, transported to the laboratory, and kept at 5°C until analyses.

Parasitological examination. In order to visualize the presence of parasites in fecal samples, the centrifugal flotation technique was used. Briefly, saturated sugar solution was mixed with 2 grams of feces, in order to cause cysts and oocysts flotation 7. Once homogenized, filtration was performed using a plastic sieve, and the material filtered was allocated in Falcon tubes. Then, the tube was filled up with sugar solution to form a meniscus, covered by a glass coverslip, and centrifugated at 2000 rpm by 5 minutes. The coverslip was removed and placed on a glass slide, with a drop of lugol diluted in distilled water (1v/v) for microscope observation 7. Although it is a qualitative technique, some authors have used this methodology to determine the degree of parasitic infection as follow: mild (from 1 to 100 cysts/oocysts), moderate (from 101 to 300 cysts/oocysts) and severe (more than 301 cysts/oocysts) 12. In fecal samples with the presence of helminth´s eggs, it was performed culture for individual larvae assessment for genus identification.

Epidemiological survey. Farm and animal information were obtained throughout the application of a questionnaire to the farmers. This information was crosschecked with the results on fecal examination, in order to identify the risk factors for cryptosporidiosis, giardiasis and eimeriosis. The following questions were asked: type of feeding (cow’s milk, artificial milk, concentrate, milk and concentrate, milk, concentrate and hay); housing (individual or collective); type of bedding (concrete, slatted, soil or concrete/slatted); cleaning interval (1-7, 8-15 or >15 days); milk supply (bottle, bucket, both, or milk was not provided); contact time with the cow (<1, 1-5 or >5 hours); water source (well or fountain); contact with rats (yes or no); contact with dogs (yes or no); contact with cats (yes or no); contact with chickens (yes or no); presence of flies (yes or no); animal age (1-15, 16-30, 31-45 or ≥46 days); race (Holstein, Jersey, or crossbreed) and fecal consistency (normal or diarrhearic).

Statistical analysis. The data generated from the interviews (independent variables) and parasite identification - Giardia, Cryptosporidium and Eimeria (response variable) were recorded and analyzed by R-language, v.3.1.1 (R Development Core Team, 2012). Cross tabulation and descriptive statistics, such as frequency and percentage, were performed on all independent variables. Independent variables (Table 1, 2 and 3) were first screened based on all the response variable (Giardia, Cryptosporidium and Eimeria). Variables with large amounts of missing data (>10%) and limited variability (<20%) were not included in the multivariable model. The remaining variables were individually accounted into an unvariable logistic regression model (chi-square test). Under the assumption that each animal is clustered in a herd, a mixed model was performed using the farm random-effect, due to the lack of independency among samples from animals in the same farm. Univariate analysis was first conducted using all the fourteen pre-selected variables. Subsequently, each variable with P≤0.15 was selected for inclusion in the multivariable analysis. It was build one final model for each outcome of interest individually for Giardia, Cryptosporidium and one for Eimeria. Variance inflation factor (VIF) was estimated to verify the relation between all selected independent variables to check for potential collinearity, in which coefficient >2.50 was considered high. If a high VIF was found, the variable with lower p-value was considered for the multivariable model. A crude relative risk (RR) was applied to assess the impact of individual factors on the outcomes. Furthermore, selected variables, when considering Cryptosporidium as an outcome (n=8), were included in the multivariable model (feeding, housing, time with the cow, water source, contact with rats, contact with dogs, presence of flies, and age). When the outcome was Giardia (n=6), it was included in the multivariable model (feed, milk supply, time with the cow, water source, contact with dogs, and age) and finally when the outcome was Eimeria (n=2), it was included in the multivariable model (bedding type and age).

Table 1 Univariate analysis of risk factors for Cryptosporidium infection in calves. 

Variables No. Frequency (%) Median P - value RR (CI: 95%)
Feed 239
1. Cow’s milk 12 (5) - -
2. Artificial milk 14 (6) 0.21 4.65 (0.39-54.27)
3. Concentrate 12 (5) 0.09 8.19 (0.70-94.59)
4. Milk + concentrate 85 (36) 0.19 4.32 (0.48-38.70)
5. Milk + concentrate + hay 116 (48) 0.51 2.06 (0.23-18.18)
Housing 239
1. Individual 131 (55) - -
2. Grouped 108 (45) <0.001 1.15 (1.01-3.01)
Floor 239
1. Concrete 34 (14) - -
2. Slatted 109 (45) 0.23 0.54 (0.18-0.99)
3. Ground 56 (23) 0.74 0.83 (0.29-2.40)
4. Concrete + slatted 39 (16) 0.06 0.29 (0.08-1.09)
Cleaning interval 239
1. 1-7 days 59 (33) - -
2. 8-15 days 6 (3) 0.88 0.20 (0.29-2.80)
4. >15 days 111 (64) 0.70 0.54 (0.01-0.89)
Supply milk 239
1. Bottle 78 (52) - -
2. Bucket 6 (4) 0.54 0.54 (0.001-1.00)
3. Bottle and bucket 50 (33) 0.47 0.87 (0.30-2.58)
4. Without milk supply 16 (11) 0.57 0.94 (0.10-5.21)
Time with the cow 239
1. < 1 hour 118 (50) - -
2. 1-5 hours 36 (15) 0.05 0.24 (0.05-1.00)
3. > 5 hours 85 (35) 0.57 0.78 (0.33-1.83)
Water source 239
1. Artesian Well 109 (46) - -
2. Fount 130 (54) 0.13 1.94 (0.81-4.67)
Contact with rats 239
No 38 (16) - -
Yes 201 (84) 0.66 1.44 (0.49-4.21)
Contact with dogs 239
No 139 (58) - -
Yes 100 (42) 0.03 2.33 (1.04-5.22)
Contact with cats 239
No 66 (28) - -
Yes 173 (72) 0.03 2.44 (1.05-4.21)
Contact with thicken 239
No 185 (78) - -
Yes 54 (22) 0.49 1.27 (0.48-3.32)
Fly presence 239
Low 86 (36) - -
Moderate 69 (30) 0.22 1.03 (0.18-1.49)
High 84 (35) 0.13 0.40 (0.12-1.33)
Age 239
1. 1-15 days 54 (22) - -
2. 16-30 days 61 (25) 0.15 2.04 (0.76-5.47)
3. 31-45 days 43 (18) 0.48 1.50 (0.47-4.74)
4. > 46 days 84 (35) 0.24 1.80 (0.66-4.86)
Breed 239
1. Holstein 195 (80) - -
2. Jersey 30 (12) 0.27 1.44 (0.53-3.85)
3. Crossbreed 17 (8) 0.78 2.19 (0.65-7.30)

Table 2 Univariate analysis of risk factors for Giardia infection in calves. 

Variables No. Frequency (%) Median P - value RR (CI: 95%)
Feed 239
1. Cow’s milk 12 (5) - -
2. Artificial milk 14 (6) 0.49 0.46 (0.05-4.14)
3. Concentrate 12 (5) 0.06 6.42 (0.87-47.02)
4. Milk + concentrate 85 (36) 0.91 0.91 (0.19-4.42)
5. Milk + concentrate + hay 116 (48) 0.81 1.19 (0.25-5.58)
Housing 239
1. Individual 131 (55) - -
2. Grouped 108 (45) 0.55 0.80 (0.33-1.66)
Floor 239
1. Concrete 35 (14) - -
2. Slatted 109 (45) 0.78 1.16 (0.39-3.44)
3. Ground 56 (23) 0.26 0.49 (0.14-1.69)
4. Concrete + slatted 39 (16) 0.92 0.93 (0.25-3.44)
Cleaning interval 239
1. 1-7 days 59 (33) - -
2. 8-15 days 6 (3) 0.47 2.09 (0.28-15.67)
4. > 15 days 111 (64) 0.55 0.20 (0.20-1.49)
Supply milk 239
1. Bottle 78 (52) - -
2. Bucket 6 (4) 1 2.47 (0.001-65.00)
3. Bottle + bucket 50 (33) 0.36 1.47 (0.63-3.44)
4. Without milk supply 16 (11) 0.003 5.40 (1.73-16.83)
Time with the cow 239
1. < 1 hour 118 (50) - -
2. 1-5 hours 36 (15) 0.07 2.54 (0.91-7.05)
3. > 5 hours 85 (35) 0.19 1.76 (0.75-4.11)
Water source 239
1. Artesian Well 109 (46) - -
2. Fount 130 (54) 0.05 2.15 (0.97-4.78)
Contact with rats 239
No 38 (16) - -
Yes 201 (84) 0.66 0.81 (0.31-2.09)
Contact with dogs 239
No 139 (58) - -
Yes 100 (42) 0.05 2.10 (1.00-4.49)
Contact with cats 239
No 66 (28) - -
Yes 173 (72) 0.24 1.71 (0.69-4.21)
Contact with chickens 239
No 185 (78) - -
Yes 54 (22) 0.98 1.63 (0.61-4.37)
Presence of flies 239
Low 86 (36) - -
Moderate 69 (30) 0.93 1.03 (0.43-2.47)
High 84 (35) 0.19 0.53 (0.20-1.36)
Age 239
1. 1-15 days 54 (22) - -
2. 16-30 days 61 (25) 0.58 0.78 (0.33-1.84)
3. 31-45 days 43 (18) 0.04 0.35 (0.12-0.99)
4. > 46 days 84 (35) 0.19 0.56 (0.24-1.33)
Breed 239
1. Holstein 195 (80) - -
2. Jersey 30 (12) 0.46 1.44 (0.53-3.85)
3. Crossbreed 17 (8) 0.20 2.19 (0.65-7.30)

Table 3 Univariate analysis of risk factors for Eimeria infection in calves. 

Variables No. Frequency (%) Median P - value RR (CI: 95%)
Feed 239
1. Cow’s milk 12 (5) - -
2. Artificial milk 14 (6) 0.75 1.66 (0.06-40.56)
3. Concentrate 12 (5) 0.44 3.70 (0.13-104.91)
4. Milk + concentrate 85 (36) 0.38 3.23 (0.23-45.82)
5. Milk + concentrate + hay 116 (48) 0.50 2.42 (0.17-33.80)
Housing 239
1. Individual 131 (55) - -
2. Grouped 108 (45) 0.14 2.16 (0.76-6.14)
Floor 239
1. Concrete 35 (14) - -
2. Slatted 109 (45) 0.20 0.42 (0.11-1.57)
3. Ground 56 (23) 0.58 1.44 (0.38-5.47)
4. Concrete + slatted 39 (16) 0.03 0.06 (0.004-0.86)
Cleaning interval 239
1. 1-7 days 59 (33) - -
2. 8-15 days 6 (3) 0.85 0.75 (0.03-14.54)
4. >15 days 111 (64) 0.63 0.70 (0.16-2.97)
Supply milk 239
1. Bottle 78 (52) - -
2. Bucket 6 (4) 0.19 7.75 (0.33-177.09)
3. Bottle + bucket 50 (33) 0.97 1.04 (0.07-14.71)
4. Without milk supply 16 (11) 0.85 0.74 (0.03-16.38)
Time with the cow 239
1. < 1 hour 118 (50) - -
2. 1-5 hours 36 (15) 0.42 0.48 (0.08-2.86)
3. > 5 hours 85 (35) 0.78 0.82 (0.21-3.12)
Water source 239
1. Artesian well 109 (46) - -
2. Fount 130 (54) 0.45 1.61 (0.45-5.69)
Contact with rats 239
No 38 (16) - -
Yes 201 (84) 0.21 2.58 (0.56-11.78)
Contact with dogs 239
No 139 (58) - -
Yes 100 (42) 0.56 1.41 (0.42-4.73)
Contact with cats 239
No 66 (28) - -
Yes 173 (72) 0.70 0.70 (0.20-2.90)
Contact with chickens 239
No 185 (78) - -
Yes 54 (22) 0.42 0.52 (0.10-2.53)
Presence of flies 239
Low 86 (36) - -
Moderate 69 (30) 0.37 1.87 (0.46-7.51)
High 84 (35) 0.92 1.07 (0.23-4.92)
Age 239
1. 1-15 days 54 (22) - -
2. 16-30 days 61 (25) 0.02 6.22 (1.33-29.08)
3. 31-45 days 43 (18) 0.001 10.63 (2.37-47.53)
4. > 46 days 84 (35) 0.001 11.94 (2.53-56.17)
Breed 239
1. Holstein 195 (80) - -
2. Jersey 30 (12) 0.30 1.81 (0.57-5.69)
3. Crossbreed 17 (8) 0.55 1.59 (0.33-7.52)

A second univariate model was built in order to verify the presence of an effect-cause situation. As outcome variable, it was considered the presence of any protozoan (Giardia, Cryptosporidium or Eimeria) and fecal consistence (regular or presence of diarrhea) as the predicted variable. For this model a P≤0.05 was considered significant associated.

Multivariate models were built in a manual forward method, where each remaining variable was added to the best previous model selected by the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC). A backward elimination step was used, resulting on a final model in which only variables with p≤0.05 were retained. Confounding effects were investigated by checking changes in the point estimate of each variable that remained in the model. Changes in parameter estimated as >25% were considered a confounder factor, and it was kept in the model until the final model, and finally two-way interaction term between variables with biological plausibility were investigated. We used deviance perform as a goodness of fit test for overall model.


Among all fecal samples examinated, 46.50% (113/243) were protozoa negative, while the other samples (53.50%; 130/243) were positives for one or more parasites. The percentage of calves infected by Cryptosporidium spp. was 20.99% (51/243); by Giardia spp. 26.75% (65/243); and by Eimeria spp. 21.81% (53/243) (Figure 1A). Out of 243 samples, 95 (46.50%) showed a single protozoan infection (Figure 1B), while 35 (14.40%) had mixed infection caused by two or three protozoa. Among the mixed infections, the association of Cryptosporidium spp and Giardia spp was the most common (6.99%, or 17/243 calves), followed by Eimeria spp and Cryptosporidium spp (2.88%, or 7/243 calves), and Giardia spp associated with Eimeria spp (2.06%, 6/243 calves). The mixed infection caused by all three protozoa represented 2.40% (5/243 calves).

Figure 1 [A] Percentage of calves infected by Cryptosporidium spp. (51/243), Giardia spp. (65/243) and Eimeria spp. (53/243) in different cities of the Western Santa Catarina State. [B] Sample distribution - percentage of animals with negative parasitological results, animals with simple and mixed infections, in addition to the percentage of positive animals by each parasite type involved in mixed infections of calves (n=243) in several municipalities of Western Santa Catarina State. [C] Percentage of samples positives according to the degree of infection [mild (+), moderate (++) or high (+++)] caused by Cryptosporidium spp. (51/100%), Giardia spp. (65/100%), and Eimeria spp. (53/100%) in calves. 

The degree of infection by Cryptosporidium spp, Giardia spp, and Eimeria spp was rated as mild, moderate and high, respectively (Figure 1C). We found all three levels of infection caused by Eimeria spp and Giardia spp, differently to Cryptosporidium spp that did not cause severe infection. The mild type of infection was the most frequently observed type for the three protozoa (Figure 1C).

Diarrhea was observed on 25.51% of the calves, where only 13.17% were positive for at least one protozoa. Thus, 74.49% did not have diarrhea, though 40.33% of calves were affected by one of the investigated protozoa. Moreover, the cause-effect analyses did not find significant association between the presence of Cryptosporidium spp, Giardia spp and Eimeria spp and fecal consistency (p>0.05). It was found that 4.12% (10/243) of the fecal samples also had eggs of parasites from the Trichostrongylidae family, corresponding to Haemonchus spp. and Trichostrongylus spp.

The results of univariate analysis for risk factors for infection by Cryptosporidium spp, Giardia spp. and Eimeria spp. are shown in table 1, 2 and 3, respectively. For the Cryptosporidium genus, it was found that collective housing, along with longer periods of time with its mother after birth, and direct contact with dogs and cats, increases the chance of infection to calves. For Giardia spp, the main factors for infection were: not supplying milk, sources of water intake, contact with dogs, and animals age between 31 and 45 days old. For Eimeria spp, two risk factors were observed in the univariate analysis: age and pens with concrete and slatted floors.

The results of risk factors for Cryptosporidium spp, Giardia spp and Eimeria spp infection on the multivariate analysis are shown in Table 4. We found that calves fed with concentrate had, on average, 37 times higher risk to be infected compared to those fed with cow’s milk, contrasting to artificial milk that showed 9.91 times more risk (Table 4). Similarly, calves on a diet of milk/concentrate and milk/concentrate/hay were 9.80 and 4.79 times more likely to be infected by these protozoans, respectively. However, the period of time that calves had direct contact with their mothers, immediately after birth (1 to 5 hours, and more than 5 hours) increased the risk of infection by Cryptosporidium spp in 0.15 and 0.30 times, respectively. Contact with dogs increased the relative risk of infection by Cryptosporidium spp in 3.57 times. For the presence of Giardia spp., a single variable was identified as a risk factor by the multivariate analysis: milk source. Both forms of supply (bottle and bucket) increased their risk on 5.40 times. Regarding the risk factors for Eimeria spp infection, we noticed that concrete and slatted floors were three times more risky for infections compared to concrete floors. The animal age was also significantly associated with the occurrence of Eimeria spp, since we noticed that animals with more than 15 days of age had more chances of infection.

Table 4 Multivariate analysis of risk factors for Cryptosporidium, Giardia and Eimeria infection in calves. 

Variables Estimate (β) P - value RR (CI: 95%)
1. Cow’s milk - - -
2. Artificial milk 2.29 0.07 9.91 (7.76-12.65)
3. Concentrate 3.63 0.006 37.92 (17.28-83.20)
4. Milk + concentrate 2.28 0.04 9.80 (7.68-12.51)
5. Milk + concentrate + hay 1.56 0.016 4.79 (2.18-10.52)
Time with the its mother
1. < 1 hour - - -
2. 1-5 hours 1.84 0.006 0.15 (0.12-0.20)
3. > 5 hours 1.20 0.01 0.30 (0.13-0.66)
Contact with dogs
No - - -
Yes 1.27 0.001 3.57 (2.80-4.56)
Milk Supply
1. Bottle - - -
2. Bucket -4.74 1 2.47 (1.93-3.15)
3. Bottle + bucket 1.68 0.003 5.40 (1.18-6.58)
4. Without milk supply -1.87 0.87 3.87 (2.00-28.30)
1. Concrete - - -
2. Slatted -1.36 0.06 0.25 (0.20-0.32)
3. Ground -0.04 0.95 0.95 (0.43-2.10)
4. Concrete + slatted -3.48 0.01 0.03 (0.02-0.03)
1. 1-15 days - - -
2. 16-30 days 2.05 0.007 7.81 (3.56-17.14)
3. 31-45 days 2.64 <0.001 14.02 (10.95-17.89)
4. ≥ 46 days 2.62 0.001 13.76 (6.27-30.20)


In this study, a higher number of calves up to 60 days of age were infected by Giardia spp. However, on a similar study conducted in Brazil, observed lower prevalence (26.75%). According to the literature, Giardia spp. cysts were observed in 9% of 120 fecal samples from calves aged 1 to 90 days 11. Additionally, in another study with 560 calves showed 17% (95) positivity for Giardia spp. 13. The index of positive animals in this study was similar to the global average rate (25.56%) of calves shedding Giardia duodenale14. According to the multivariate analysis, bovine milk supplied by bottle and bucket increased the chances of infection by Giardia spp. Furthermore, the calves age may influence this high percentage of positive samples for Giardia spp, since, in its majority, the prevalence was observed in animals up to four weeks of age 13. Corroborating to our findings, age was also found to be a highly significant risk factor for Giardia infection when Geurden et al 15 showed that calves had higher risk of being infected before reaching 8 weeks. This result is a significant finding, since it represents a risk to animal health, considering that Giardia spp is a worldwide important zoonotic agent 16.

Our results show that the prevalence of protozoal infection caused by Eimeria was 21.81%, a reduced index compared to those reported by researchers 17, while analyzing 720 samples of feces observed the presence of oocysts of Eimeria spp. in 43.60% of the samples. The eimeriosis is a disease that can cause severe morbidity, affecting animal growth and performance. Calves with positive diagnosis showed lower body weight gain than those Eimeria spp negative 18. Statistical analysis revealed that infection by Eimeria is easier to happen in concrete floors, depending on animal age. According to the literature, individual housing may reduce the risk for coccidiosis, and on the contrary risk of infection increases with the size of the herd, in addition, the most affected calves were between 3 to 13 months old 19.

Cryptosporidium spp. was detected in 20.99% of the samples in current study, similarly to the result observed in calves aged between 7 to 21 days, since they showed 21.62% of positivity for oocysts 13. Similarly, another study conducted in Nellore calves, showed that 25.38% (n=130) of the animals shed oocysts of this parasite in their feces 4. There is a report on a cryptosporidiosis outbreak in 2012 in a herd of 400 calves, from which 35 (8.75%) got sick and 16 (4%) died. This farm had high mortality (about 70 calves) in 2011 due to cryptosporidiosis, but the attempts to diagnosis the disease by parasitological tests and fecal cultures failed (20). In a study conducted in Argentina, a prevalence of 19.35% for Cryptosporidium spp. was found, similarly to the results observed in our study 21. In a work developed by Carvalho et al 22, infection by Cryptosporidium spp. was observed in all evaluated moments. In the current study, the multivariate analysis showed several ways on how calves could become infected by Cryptosporidium spp. The main reasons for infection may have been the food, especially by concentrate, followed by the length of time with cow postpartum, and contact dogs. These last two are risk factors easily understood, since adult animals usually are carriers of cryptosporidiosis, eliminating the agent in the feces, contaminating the environment. By analyzing infection by Cryptosporidium parvum, researchers have identified different risk factors, such as the use of buckets to feed the calves and supplementation with fermented milk 23.

The occurrence of diarrhea recorded in our study (25.51%) confirms the relevance of this clinical sign for calves, and it revealed that approximately 50% of calves with diarrhea were positives for at least one protozoan. In another study evaluating 1,974 calves, researchers found that 19.75% showed feces soft to liquid in consistency, a diarrhearic characteristic 3. Souza et al. 24 reported that diarrhea is a relatively common problem in calves (28.04%) and mainly caused by viral and/or bacterial (54.93%) agents. Although this work did not investigate viruses and bacteria, the percentage of infected samples points to protozoa. However, diarrhea can be triggered by the interaction of several factors such as bacteria, viruses, protozoa, immune deficiencies and environmental characteristics. Carvalho et al 22 reinforce this possibility because in their study they showed that the association between pathogens occurs from the first day of the diarrhea onset. It is important to emphasize that in this study the percentage of calves with normal feces represented 74.49%; however, more than 50% were positives for at least one of the protozoa investigated. Some infected calves had normal fecal consistency, probably linked them to mild degree of infection. Again, this can be a complicating factor because, according to this study, asymptomatic animals are potential carriers of cysts/oocysts and considered important sources of transmission to healthy calves, acting as environmental contaminants 25.

Helminth´s eggs of the Trichostrongylidae family were found in a very low number of samples, probably because a small portion of the animals had more than 30 days of life and limited contact with pastures. The provision of the roughage to the calves usually occurs after 30 days of age, and this factor favors the gastrointestinal helminth infection, since the animal is likely to ingest the larvae present in pastures 2,7.

Based on these results, we concluded that infection by Giardia spp, Cryptosporidium spp, and Eimeria spp is substantially higher in calves, and might be interfering with animal growth leading to poor performance as a result of the intestinal damage cause by them. There was no a relation between the occurrence of diarrhea and parasitism in the statistical analysis of cause-effect. This study identified risk factors for infection such as food, time spent with the cow during postpartum and contact with dogs. These are risk factors for Cryptosporidium spp, while the milk supply was a risk factor for Giardia spp, and the floor type and age were risk factors for Eimeria spp. infection.

Ethics Committee. The experiment was approved by the Ethics Committee in Research with Animals of the Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (UDESC), under protocol number 1.26.15.


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Received: June 2016; Accepted: January 2017

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