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Revista MVZ Córdoba

Print version ISSN 0122-0268

Rev.MVZ Cordoba vol.22 no.2 Córdoba May/Aug. 2017 


Endothelin-1 expression in pulmonary hypertensive chickens by hypoxia

Expresión de Endotelina-1 en pollos con hipertensión arterial pulmonar por hipoxia hipobárica

Luis Carlos Monroy G1 

Aureliano Hernández V1  * 

1 Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y de Zootecnia. Bogotá, Colombia.



To determine the effect of hypobaric hypoxia exposition in pulmonary arterioles expression of endothelin-1 (ET-1).

Materials and methods.

Two groups of commercial broiler chickens were used: one of them were raised at 2638 (hypobaric hypoxia) and the other one at 300 m (relative normoxia) above sea level. Incidence of pulmonary hypertension (PH) was evaluated by calculating the cardiac mass index values and ET-1 protein expression was established in pulmonary arterioles by immunohistochemistry and morphometry.


. ET-1 expression was higher in arterioles of animals exposed to hypoxia as compared to the low altitude exposed broilers (p<0.01). Arterioles from pulmonary hypertensive chickens (PHC) showed ET-1 higher expression than arterioles from healthy chickens (non-hypertensive, NHC) at low altitude, those exposed to hypobaric hypoxia (p<0.01). 53% of chickens subjected to altitude conditions developed pulmonary hypertension. Under normoxia, no chickens developed that pathology. Conclusions. Quantitative characteristics and sites of ET-1 expression in the lungs are important in the understanding of PH pathogenesis in broilers and the adapting mechanisms to hypobaric hypoxia, as to design new pharmacological approaches. This is a first approach which accounts for the abovementioned features in broilers subjected to natural conditions of normoxia and hypobaric hypoxia.

Keywords: Arterioles; endothelin-1; pulmonary hypertension; morphometry; immunohistochemistry



Determinar el efecto de la exposición a hipoxia hipobárica sobre la expresión de Endotelina-1 en arteriolash pulmonares.

Material y métodos.

Se utilizaron 2 grupos de pollos de engorde de una estirpe comercial: uno de ellos criados a 2638 y el otro, a 300 m de altitud. La incidencia de HAP se evaluó según los valores del índice de masa cardiaca y se compararon los niveles de expresión de la proteína ET-1 en arteriolas pulmonares de pollos de engorde sanos y enfermos por HAP mediante inmunohistoquímica y morfometría.


La expresión de la proteína ET-1 fue mayor en las arteriolas de los pollos expuestos a hipoxia hipobárica que en los criados bajo condiciones de normoxia relativa (p<0.01). Los animales enfermos por HAP presentaron mayor expresión de la proteína ET-1 en las arteriolas pulmonares que los animales sanos ubicados en las dos altitudes (p<0.01). 53% de los animales desarrollaron hipertensión pulmonar y ninguno de los mantenidos en normoxia lo hicieron.


El conocimiento de las características cuantitativas y lo sitios de expresión de la ET-1 son elementos importantes para entender aún más la patogenia de la HAP y el diseño de fármacos para su control. Este estudio constituye la primera aproximación cuantitativa relacionada con la expresión de ET-1 en pollos de engorde con HAP de origen hipóxico no inducida.

Palabras clave: Arteriolas; endotelina-1; hipertensión pulmonar; morphometría; inmunohistoquímica


During the last 40 years, pulmonary hypertension (PH) has been reported in genetically susceptible broilers exposed to hypobaric hypoxia 1-3.

The endothelium of pulmonary arterial branches releases vasoconstrictor and vasodilator molecules, which, in physiological conditions should be kept in an adequate balance. Under prolonged hypoxic conditions, transcription molecules such as the hypoxia induced factor 1 (HIF-1), induce liberation of vasoconstrictors such as endothelin-1 (ET-1). When this compensatory mechanism is sustained as to increase pulmonary arterial blood flow and overpass physiological levels, PH occurs 4,5. Also, nitric oxide synthase sequester can develop, thus inhibiting vasodilatation due to decrease in nitric oxide 6. This endothelial dysfunction, vasoconstrictors predominate and vascular remodeling ensues, which entails thickening of the middle muscle and the adventitia layers in arterioles 5. ET-1 appears as the most potent vasoconstrictor in the pulmonary vasculature, and the use of ET-1 inhibitors of correspondent receptors, like bosentan and intestinal vasoactive peptide to control PH has been proposed 7,8.

Given that there are diverse molecular systems which act as vasoconstrictors, it is desirable to define the degree of ET-1 participation in the pulmonary vascular response to hypoxia, in a view to contribute in the knowledge of an indicator of adaptation to hypoxia, and support future pharmacological studies which pursue the control of PH.

In a previous study a greater ET-1 mRNA expression was encountered in hypoxic pulmonary hypertensive chickens (PHC) as compared to non-hypertensive ones (NPHC) 9, but the knowledge of protein expression and correspondent sites is not defined as yet.

The aim of the present work was to quantitate ET-1 expression in the muscle layer of pulmonary arterioles of PHC and NPH ones, maintained under normoxia and hypobaric hypoxia.


Animals and studies locations. Five hundred commercial broilers were chosen from one commercial incubating industry located at 300m above sea level (masl). One group of animals (145 chickens) were maintained at 2638 masl in Bogotá, Colombia, with a barometric pressure of 560 Hg mm, oxygen partial pressure, 117 Hg mm, and the other group were raised at 300 masl (Nilo, Colombia) under relative normoxia: barometric pressure, 740 Hg mm and oxygen partial pressure, 155 Hg mm. All animals were subjected to standard feeding and health procedures and temperature control was assessed, as to avoid obtaining readings below 20°C.

Sampling and analytical procedures. Thirty three-old chickens were slaughtered by cervical dislocation, as recommended and approved by the institutional ethical committee. PH occurrence was established by calculating the cardiac index mass (CI), obtained by calculating the total cardiac ventricular mass: right ventricular weight 10). According to previous results, PHC were considered when their CI value was above 25. Below that, animals were considered NPHC 10,11. Considering that three groups were obtained, as follows: 1) PHC raised at 2638 masl. 2) NPHC maintained at 2638 masl. 3. NPHC located at 300 masl.

The apical part of the left lung from every bird was taken, was fixed in formalin (pH 7,34) and processed with a standard method of paraffin imbibition and H & E staining. Immunohistochemical procedures were carried out using a Super Sensitive®* Polymer-HRP Detection System® (Biogenex, Fremont, USA) for protein ET-1, dilution 1:250 (Mouse monoclonal anti-endothelin 1, Thermo scientific MA3-005®, USA). Routine recommended procedures for negative and positive controls were carried out.

Four chickens per group (PHC and NPHC) were chosen for quantitative evaluation of ET-1 protein expression, In the lung of each animal, 10 arterioles with 2 to 8 smooth muscle layers were studied under the light microscope. The Image pro-plus 7 software was employed as to calculate the smooth muscle layers number with or without ET-1 protein expression, and the total area, in square micrometers, occupied by the muscle layer as well as the area with positive immune staining in the muscle layer.

Experimental design. A completely randomized model was used, and expected homogeneity of experimental material was fulfilled. The experimental error was a random independent variable with a normal distribution, zero median and variances homogeneity. When the latter was not found, corrective procedures were employed: the Welch´s and Scheffe´s tests. Likewise, Pearson correlative tests as to establish the possible association among quantitative values 12. To declare statistical differences, significance level had to be p<0.01. Data analysis was brought about with IBM® SPSS® predictive analytics software and solutions, version 17.


In the hypoxia exposed chickens 53% of them developed PH, and no cases of the disease were registered in the group of broilers resident in a relative normoxic environment.

Engrossment of the middle muscle layer in pulmonary arterioles (results not shown) of PHC. ET-1 expression was encountered in the endothelium, muscle cells and adventitia of blood vessels (Figure 1). Percentage of both, positive cells and area of the middle muscular layer showing expression of ET-1 was higher in animals resident at high altitude than in those placed at 300 masl (p<0.001; Figure 2). A direct association of the 2 abovementioned variables was found (r=0.954; p<0.000).

Figure 1 a: ET-1 protein expression in pulmonary arterioles of a chicken: a, maintained under relative normoxia, b: exposed to hypobaric hypoxia (non-pulmonary hypertensive), c: pulmonary hypertensive, d: maintained under hypobaric hypoxia (non-pulmonary hypertensive). 

Figure 2 a, Image obtained of the middle muscle layer of an arteriole, before ET-1 expression measurements; b, image obtained of the area occupied by the middle muscle layer of an arteriole; c, results of the area (µm2) obtained after measurement; d, results obtained after counting of cells immunohistochemically expressing ET-1 protein 

In figure 3 are the values obtained for ET-1 expression, which was higher in PHC placed at high altitude than in NPHC maintained at the same sea level. The latter showed higher expression than those maintained at 300 masl (p<0.001). PHC values of ET-1 showed a direct association with CI (r=0.83; p<0.001).

Figure 3 Percentage of the number cells expressing ET-1 protein (left side bars), and area (right side bars)occupied by them in the middle muscle layer of arterioles in: A, pulmonary hypertensive birds (subjected to hypoxia), B, non-pulmonary hypertensive birds subjected to hypoxia, and C, non-pulmonary hypertensive birds not subjected to hypoxia. 


The present work corroborates the high mortality rates previously reported for the same strain of chickens under similar environmental conditions 3,11,13. It is clear that given that temperature was controlled, PH cannot be attributed to low temperature in the present study 14,15.

Hypoxia stimulates endothelial function. In susceptible individuals, augmentation of pulmonary arterial pressure results in PH and ET-1 secretion above the upper physiological limits. ET-1 migrates to muscle cells, where it enhances Ca2+ -calmodulin way and protein kinases; muscle contraction ensues and the remodeling process takes place due to a complex molecular framework 16,17. Although the mechanism of action of ET-1 in the pulmonary vessels is controversial, there is evidence that this mechanism has enough evidential support

Similar findings were reported in human pulmonary arteries of pulmonary hypertensive individuals 18.

Present results complement a previous study in which mRNA of ET-1 expression was higher in PHC than in NPHC 9,19.

The high correlation between ET-1 protein expression and CI, once more reinforces the idea that ET-1 is a fundamental molecule in the pathogenesis of PH, given its potent vasoconstrictor effect.

Several molecules, among others, have been studied as implicated in PH pathogenesis. Thus, serotonin 20, ETA and ETB (ET-1 receptors; 9,19,21), nitric oxide synthase 22-24, connective tissue growth factor and adrenomedullin 19. Given that studied molecules as key factors in PH pathogenesis are either vasoconstrictors or vasodilators of the pulmonary vasculature, they should be acting in harmony under physiological conditions and any disruption in their balance should result in the development of PH, as presently demonstrated although solely referred to ET-1 protein expression. It should be taken into account that alternative mechanism might exist for the development of PH which have been proposed, although are not to be brought into discussion at present.

The ET-1 receptors expression in the muscle layer of arterioles reinforced the involvement of ET-1 in the pathogenesis of PH 25 ,26)

The quantitative and immunohistochemical comparative findings of the present work appear to be the first ones in PHC and NPHC broilers maintained under controlled temperature conditions and subjected to natural conditions of hypobaric hypoxia and relative normoxia.


Financial support was granted by División de Investigaciones de la sede Bogotá and Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y de Zootecnia. Universidad Nacional de Colombia. We are indebted to the members of the Histotechnological laboratory in the National University, Bogotá.


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Received: July 2016; Accepted: January 2017

* Correspondence:

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