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Dimensión Empresarial

Print version ISSN 1692-8563


SALAZAR, Flor Esther  and  CARLOS GUZMAN, Luis. Financial globalization and economic crisis ¿results of changes in bank structures from 198. Dimens.empres. [online]. 2015, vol.13, n.2, pp.113-134. ISSN 1692-8563.

This paper seeks to explain the transformation that has taken the financial system in a context of internationalization of financial activity and capital from the 80s and particularly the 90s. Here, an analysis of the role of private banks is performed and structure with operating in the financial crisis of 2008, the flaws and vulnerabilities that have been generated in the market and the economy, as well as obstacles to long-term funding and some private productive sectors. In the second part it is found that the monopoly power increased as a result of financial deregulation and product of the economic crisis that allowed the largest banking groups in the world economic increase their participation level. Also, it was found as the inhabitants and entrepreneurs of poorer countries are forced to pay higher rates of interest than canceling the inhabitants of the world's richest countries, which results in higher costs for all economic agents that develop in the economy of these countries and therefore affects the real economy, the generation of wealth and the concentration of it.

Keywords : Financial liberalization; financial system; brokerage fees; funding.

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