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Justicia Juris

Print version ISSN 1692-8571


HERRERA TAPIAS, BELIÑA  and  SOLANO BENT, DARWIN ELIECER. Family pension allowance and labor law sorting out inequalities. Justicia Juris [online]. 2015, vol.11, n.2, pp.82-91. ISSN 1692-8571.

The changes in society to a multicultural, inclusive, and democratic state also means establishing structures to provide feedback to the defense of social security. Although the Colombian government proposes measures to obtain material justice and gender equality using the law as a mechanism of eliminating social problems, many of these have hindrance in your own design. This article aims to explain the family pension implemented by Law 1580 of 2012, which although was created as a measure of affirmative action in the same way that protects the family, women and disadvantaged groups. It also contains, in its normative and theoretical design, certain requirements that can potentially reduce the effectiveness of a woman, when the figure is developed

Keywords : Gender equality; pension; justice; labor.

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