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Revista Colombiana de Obstetricia y Ginecología

versión impresa ISSN 0034-7434versión On-line ISSN 2463-0225


CALDERON-MENDOZA, Luisa; VIVAS-RAMIREZ, Carlos  y  DE LOS REYES, Lina. Assesment of sperm capacitation techniques and their effect on DNA fragmentation. Rev Colomb Obstet Ginecol [online]. 2012, vol.63, n.2, pp.102-113. ISSN 0034-7434.

Objective: This study was aimed at evaluating the effect of sperm capacitation techniques on DNA fragmentation. Materials and methods: This was an experimental study which observed and described the effect of two sperm capacitation techniques on DNA fragmentation (i.e. swim up and isolate density gradients). Samples from 41 patients were used; these were sent for spermogram analysis at the Tolima Fertility Unit (Unifertil), taking the following requirements into account: sexual abstinence for 3 to 5 days, not having taken drugs such as antibiotics or antiparasitics, samples obtained by masturbation and not presenting viral or febrile processes. The first evaluation of the samples was made one hour after they had been obtained; those which had been collected completely, which had a minimum 2 million spermatozoid/ml concentration and which were not contaminated by blood were included. Concentration, mobility, morphology and DNA spermatic fragmentation were evaluated by measuring comet length in the comet assay in fresh samples. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Pearson’s correlation coefficient were used for statistical analysis (p < 0.05 being statistically significant). Results: It was found that sperm capacitation techniques reduced spermatozoid DNA fragmentation (p < 0.0001). No significant differences were found between the two different capacitation techniques studied regarding DNA fragmentation. No significant correlation was observed between sperm DNA fragmentation levels and spermogram parameters (concentrations, mobility and morphology) (p = 0.9061). The comet assay detected differences regarding the degree of spermatozoid DNA fragmentation between fresh and capacitated samples. Conclusion: Both swim up and isolate density gradient sperm capacitation had a positive effect by reducing spermatozoid DNA fragmentation.

Palabras clave : DNA fragmentation; comet assay; swim up; density gradient; sperm morphology.

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