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Cuadernos de Lingüística Hispánica

versión impresa ISSN 0121-053Xversión On-line ISSN 2346-1829


CAPRA 1, DANIELA. The Linguistic Ideas of Alonso de Ulloa. Cuad. linguist. hisp. [online]. 2023, n.42, pp.126-144.  Epub 02-Ene-2024. ISSN 0121-053X.

This work aims to present, discuss and assess the linguistic ideas of Alonso de Ulloa, an important figure in the cultural scene in Venice in the mid-16th century since he collaborated with different printers editing, compiling, or translating Spanish works. For this, three texts that Ulloa published with an explicitly didactic purpose as an appendix to the literary works that he published for the printer Giolito will be studied. The first text consists of some pronunciation rules for Spanish words, and the others are two concise Spanish-Italian dictionaries or glossaries that explicitly or implicitly include linguistic information. It will be seen that Ulloa often confirms or clarifies the knowledge we have about the evolutionary stage of the language of the time or the etymology of some word; other times, he provides relevant data and occasionally exposes theories based on prejudices or false convictions.

Palabras clave : phonetics; etymology; history of language; didactics of language; history of linguistic ideas; Alonso de Ulloa.

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