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Revista Universidad y Empresa

versión impresa ISSN 0124-4639versión On-line ISSN 2145-4558


NEME-CHAVES, Samir Ricardo; FORERO-MOLINA, Sara Catalina; MEDINA, Carolina Garzón  y  BOCANEGRA, James Paul Linero. Evolution and perspectives of retail trade: Bibliometric study for the period 2017-2023. rev.univ.empresa [online]. 2024, vol.26, n.46, a12956.  Epub 04-Dic-2023. ISSN 0124-4639.

The retail industry has experienced significant growth both in academic and research fields and in practice, it is considered one of the most important sectors of the economy as it evolves as an independent and autonomous field of study.


To identify the developments and perspectives of retail through a bibliometric analysis from 2017 to 2023 worldwide, based on information obtained from the Scopus database.


Bibliometric quantitative study including statistical treatment using R software.

Key findings:

9871 records were identified with an annual publication growth rate of 8.89, with the United States being the most predominant country, followed by China; France is the country with the highest number of collaborations with authors from other nationalities.


The retail sector has been adapting to the needs of both wholesale and retail customers, as well as to the immediacy with which consumers want to satisfy their desires and needs, highlighting opportunities for academia and the business sector, mainly regarding modern channels and the inclusion of technologies and artificial intelligence to foster new forms of relationship with the end consumer and intermediaries.

Palabras clave : Retail; marketing; bibliometrics; scientific production.

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