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Revista Colombiana de Bioética

versión impresa ISSN 1900-6896versión On-line ISSN 2590-9452


BASCUNAN RODRIGUEZ, María Luz  y  HUEPE ORTEGA, Gabriela Verónica. Notions and positions about euthanasia of doctors and nurses of a public hospital in Santiago de Chile. Rev. colomb. bioét. [online]. 2022, vol.17, n.2, e04.  Epub 16-Ene-2023. ISSN 1900-6896.


To explore the notion of euthanasia and the positions and beliefs of doctors and nurses considering that a discussion about euthanasia requires knowing the notions of those who care for patients at the end of life.


Within a qualitative design, interviews were conducted with 11 professionals from a Chilean hospital. A content analysis was made and was triangulate by researchers.


Etymological, ethical-legal and operational notions of euthanasia are distinguished. Core aspects of euthanasia -non-curative disease, suffering, voluntariness and the medical context-raise questions that must be addressed.


It is necessary to install the topic in the health teams and generate socio-normative ethical-legal agreements that remove the weight of the decisions in the individuals or professional teams.

Palabras clave : Euthanasia; death; personal autonomy; beneficence; culture.

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