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Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Pecuarias

versión impresa ISSN 0120-0690versión On-line ISSN 2256-2958


BOSSA-MIRANDA, María A; VALENCIA-CELIS, Verónica del C; CARVAJAL-GIRALDO, Bibiana A  y  RIOS-OSORIO, Leonardo A. Automated hemogram values for healthy dogs aged 1 to 6 years attended at the Veterinary Hospital - Universidad de Antioquia (Colombia), 2002-2009. Rev Colom Cienc Pecua [online]. 2012, vol.25, n.3, pp.409-416. ISSN 0120-0690.

To assess the physiological state of an animal, analysis and diagnostic tests comparable with defined reference values are necessary. These values are influenced by various factors and their definition should be based on the characteristics of each population. In the Veterinary Hospital of the University of Antioquia, universal reference values for hemogram are normally used. This represents a problem at the time of interpretation of results, due to local environmental factors that differ from the international ones, in which the reference values were originally defined. Objective: to determine reference limits of hemogram in clinically healthy dogs between 1 and 6 years of age, in the city of Medellín. Methods: retrospective study. In this study, medical records of healthy dogs attending the Veterinary Hospital of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of the University of Antioquia for ambulatory surgery, clinical examination, vaccination, and annual monitoring between 2002 and 2009 were analyzed. Information contained in medical records was collected using a questionnaire. The statistical analysis of the information was carried out using parametric and nonparametric methods. Results: reference limits were established. Significant statistically differences in some parameters of the hemogram in relation to variables such as age and breed of dogs were established. Conclusions: parameters of hemogram in evaluated dogs are related to physiological conditions such as age and race, as well as to environmental and nutritional conditions. Therefore, it is necessary to have reference values that match the characteristics of animals and the environment.

Palabras clave : dogs; hemogram; reference limits; statistics.

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