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Psicología desde el Caribe

versión impresa ISSN 0123-417Xversión On-line ISSN 2011-7485


PATLAN PEREZ, Juana. What is the Quality of Life at Work?: An Approximation From the Grounded Theory. Psicol. caribe [online]. 2020, vol.37, n.2, pp.31-67.  Epub 18-Ago-2021. ISSN 0123-417X.

In the literature there is no consensus regarding what is Quality of Working Life (QWL). The objective of this work was to perform a qualitative analysis of a sample of definitions of this construct. The grounded theory was used to identify the theory underlying 81 definitions of QWL. The methodology used was:

a) identification and selection of research articles that define QWL, b) identification, analysis and coding of QWL definitions, c) generation of the theory underlying QWL definitions, and d) integration of results. Secondary sources (published articles) of databases were used in the period from 1966- 2019. The results indicate that QWL has an individual focus (satisfaction of needs, balance demands-labor resources, well-being at work) and organizational (philosophy or organizational strategy, and a set of methods, techniques, processes or actions aimed at achieving QWL). Also, it was identified that the QWL is a multidimensional construct conformed by multiple factors, classified into objective factors (QWL of the working environment) and subjective factors (psychological or perceived QWL). The theory behind QWL definitions focuses on the individual level of satisfaction of needs, health and well-being of workers, and on an organizational level, QWL is aimed at achieving greater productivity and competitiveness with the use of techniques and strategies.

Palabras clave : quality of life; quality of working life; occupational health.

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