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Investigaciones Andina

versión impresa ISSN 0124-8146


ENRIQUEZ GUERRERO, Carolina Lucero; SEGURA CARDONA, Ángela María  y  TOVAR CUEVAS, José Rafael. Risk factors related to underachievement in school-aged children in Bogotá. Investig. andina [online]. 2013, vol.15, n.26, pp.654-666. ISSN 0124-8146.

Objective: to determine the risk factors associated with low academic performance among scholars attending two public schools in Bogotá. Methodology: a cross-sectional study, developed in two phases: A descriptive one, characterizing the population; and an analytic one, which included a bivariate analysis and a regression logistic model to identify associations between risk factors and low academic performance. Mathematics was the field of study used as parameter of evaluation. Results: a total of 601 of students aged 5 to 15 years old attending 1st - 5th grades were included in the study. Of these 97.6% belonged to low socioeconomic strata and 80.5% had health care insurance. 26.5% had low academic performance. The variables associated with low performance after controlling, for other factors included in the model were: child abuse, illness in the previous fifteen days, absenteeism and/or disciplinary problems and having two or more siblings.

Palabras clave : Underachievement; School Health; Socioeconomic Strata; Family; Child Abuse; Education.

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