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vol.18 número1Bienestar psicológico y variables sociodemográficas en una muestra de trabajadores y estudiantes universitarios chilenosAvances en el estudio de la continuidad del neuroticismo y su variante desadaptativa: aplicación de la teoría de respuesta al ítem índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Diversitas: Perspectivas en Psicología

versión impresa ISSN 1794-9998


OSPINA-RAMIREZ, David Arturo  y  OSPINA-ALVARADO, María Camila. Sensitive and Creative Narratives: A Methodological Proposal for Research With Children and Young People Living With Chronic Diseases. Divers.: Perspect. Psicol. [online]. 2022, vol.18, n.1, pp.214-222.  Epub 01-Ene-2022. ISSN 1794-9998.

This article presents a methodological and epistemic proposal for the development of research projects that, from the social sciences, health sciences, arts, and humanities involve children and young people living with chronic diseases, or their families and relational agents, such as peers, educational agents, medical personnel, and the immediate community. This proposal is made by recognizing the need to generate hybrid research projects that include new ways of approaching subjects and their reality. The document contains an analysis that allows us to understand the importance of caring for privacy and respect for the artistic, symbolic, and metaphorical languages of children, especially in vulnerable contexts where life acquires greater value and meaning. Finally, by taking resources from social sciences and arts, a symbiotic methodology is presented, called Sensitive and Creative Narrative Research, which is based on hermeneutics and the arts to allow those living with illness to find their own resources and re-signify their life experience.

Palabras clave : disease; child; young person; art; research; creativity.

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