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Theologica Xaveriana

versión impresa ISSN 0120-3649


RAMIREZ, Alberto R. The Language in Revelation: Performativity and Pragmatics. Theol. Xave. [online]. 2015, vol.65, n.180, pp.301-325. ISSN 0120-3649.

The access to the mystery of God by means of revelation, its acceptance, understanding and communication, are an event of language. This article is focused on a kind of language that can offer elements to understand the dynamics by which the faithful testimony of the revealed event can become part of the same revelation that motives it, by means of self-implication. It is about the performative language and its pragmatic structure that show how the Word is the central axes of revelation, its communication, development and fulfillment.

Palabras clave : Revelation; Language; Performativity; Testimony; Self-implication.

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