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vol.35 suppl.1Evaluación de impactos en la confiabilidad de sistemas eléctricos de potencia para distintos niveles de penetración de energía eólica y requerimientos de reservas operacionalesValidación de un algoritmo de enmallado para el método 3D-FDTD por medio de un montaje experimental de diafonía de dos conductores índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Ingeniería e Investigación

versión impresa ISSN 0120-5609


MALAGON-CARVAJAL, G; BELLO-PENA, J; ORDONEZ, G  y  DUARTE, C. Analytical and experimental discussion of a circuit-based model for compact fluorescent lamps in a 60 Hz power grid. Ing. Investig. [online]. 2015, vol.35, suppl.1, pp.89-97. ISSN 0120-5609.

This article presents an analysis and discussion on the performance of a circuit-based model for Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFL) in a 120V 60 Hz power grid. This model is proposed and validated in previous scientific literature for CFLs in 230V 50 Hz systems. Nevertheless, the derivation of this model is not straightforward to follow and its performance in 120V 60 Hz systems is a matter of research work. In this paper, the analytical derivation of this CFL model is presented in detail and its performance is discussed when predicting the current of a CFL designed to operate in a 120V 60 Hz electrical system. The derived model is separately implemented in both MATLAB® and ATP-EMTP® software using two different sets of parameters previously proposed for 230V 50 Hz CFLs. These simulation results are compared against laboratory measurements using a programmable AC voltage source. The measurements and simulations considered seven CFLs 110/127V 60 Hz with different power ratings supplied by a sinusoidal (not distorted) voltage source. The simulations under these conditions do not properly predict the current measurements and therefore the set of parameters and/or the model itself need to be adjusted for 120V 60 Hz power grids.

Palabras clave : CFL circuit-based model; harmonics attenuation; harmonics diversity; harmonic load modelling.

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