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vol.12 número25Insolvencia de las sociedades colombianas, 1994-2004: análisis bajo el enfoque de modelos de duraciónLecciones de la crisis financiera internacional: el debate sobre la regulación financiera índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Semestre Económico

versión impresa ISSN 0120-6346


TORRES PRECIADO, Víctor Hugo  y  POLANCO GAYTAN, Mayrén. Establishment and employment creation in the Mexican micro and small businesses sector (MASB) 1999-2003. Semest. Econ. [online]. 2009, vol.12, n.25, pp.49-60. ISSN 0120-6346.

This research has double purpose: a) Estimating the production and employment level effect in different small businesses of several Mexican industries between 1999 and 2003; and b) estimating the production and number of small businesses effect in the employment level of Mexican industries. To achieve this, a data panel model that included construction, manufacturing, commercial and service industries was applied. In the first case, results suggest that an increase in the employment level favors the creation of micro and small businesses, while the opposite happens in the industrial production. In the second case, an increment in production and small businesses positively relates with the employment creation in the Mexican micro and small businesses sector.

Palabras clave : Micro and small companies (MASB); employment; establishments; entrepreneurship; Mexico.

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