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vol.23 número2Panamericanismo y arbitraje en conflictos de límites: la participación de Estados Unidos en la definición de la frontera argentino-chilena en la Puna de Atacama (1899)Fronteras en la construcción del territorio argentino índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Cuadernos de Geografía: Revista Colombiana de Geografía

versión impresa ISSN 0121-215Xversión On-line ISSN 2256-5442


RODRIGUEZ, Laura Graciela. The Notion of Border in Geographic Thought in Argentina in 1970 and 1980. Cuad. Geogr. Rev. Colomb. Geogr. [online]. 2014, vol.23, n.2, pp.107-119. ISSN 0121-215X.

The article describes the different notions of border developed in the book La geografía y la historia en la identidad nacional (1981), written by geographers and historians during the last dictatorship in Argentina and published by the Association for the Promotion of Territorial and Environmental Studies (OIKOS). The book was compiled by the Catholic nationalist architect Patricio Horacio Randle. On the basis of the analysis carried out, the article shows how the notions of border presented there were strongly influenced by the political context of the dictatorship and by the border issues prevailing at that particular moment. In line with the findings of other researchers, the paper concludes that these types of books sought to contribute to the process of legitimating the dictatorial regime.

Palabras clave : Argentina; territorial awareness; border conflicts; geography; last dictatorship.

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