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vol.12 número301861: la emergencia de la educación laica en MéxicoLaicismo y educación pública en el discurso liberal ecuatoriano (1897-1920): una reinterpretación índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Historia Caribe

versión impresa ISSN 0122-8803


ALARCON MENESES, Luis Alfonso. In search of a secular school. The organization of public education in the colombian Caribbean during federalism. Hist. Caribe [online]. 2017, vol.12, n.30, pp.51-79. ISSN 0122-8803.

The article addresses aspects related to the used methods to articulate the Public Education System in the States of Bolivar and Magdalena during the federal regime that took place in Colombia during the second half of the nineteenth century. In these States, located in the Colombian Caribbean region, public education was established by levels and legislated through diverse regulations, that sought to comply with the Organic Decree of Public Instruction -DOIP in Spanish- issued by the Government of the Union in 1870 and that constituted a significant effort to regulate primary school from a secular perspective.

Palabras clave : school organization; public instruction; secular school; federalism; colombian Caribbean; nineteenth century.

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