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vol.16 número39Inestabilidad, Conflictividad y Violencia Política en Chile, 1925-1941Violencia Política y Movilización Popular: Chihuahua (México), 1972 índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Historia Caribe

versión impresa ISSN 0122-8803


POZZI, Pablo Alejandro. Forwards, Towards The Masses. The PRT-ERP and its Mass Organization. Hist. Caribe [online]. 2021, vol.16, n.39, pp.93-116.  Epub 24-Mayo-2022. ISSN 0122-8803.

The guerrilla experience, especially in a society as highly politicized and as hurt as that of contemporary Argentina, has sparked debates and discussions between a number of analysts and participants. One of the main issues in dispute has been the guerrilla's relationship with workers and the general population. Did they have support among the population? How were they considered by the popular sectors? Was there rejection, sympathy or indifference? A large part of the problem is that the answer necessarily implies a political positioning, and at the same time, it lacks an amount of empirical data that will allow for further discussion. Thus, the issue of the relationship between an organization and the masses is very complicated to discuss. The research presented here is based on traditional written sources and on interviews with workers and neighbors in five areas where the PRT carried out 94 "mass work".

Palabras clave : Argentina; guerrillas; PRT; masses.

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