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versión impresa ISSN 0123-4870


OCHOA SIERRA, Ligia. Structural Complexity in Descriptive-Expository School Texts: Corpus Study. Folios [online]. 2021, n.54, pp.91-110.  Epub 17-Ene-2022. ISSN 0123-4870.

This research article deals with linguistic complexity, specifically regarding descriptive-expository school texts. The article focuses on the linguistic factors (dimensions) that allow to measure complexity and classify sample texts, where 80 school texts were analyzed by factor analysis according to a set of features, grouped at the morpho-syntactic and semantic levels. Results show that factors such as quantity, prototypicality, and informativity were significant, and the factor variety was partially productive. As to the features, it was confirmed by the hypothesis that the analysis should include not only syntactic, but also semantic and even pragmatic features. However, these are interim results as the criteria and the explanatory hypotheses require further analysis.

Palabras clave : descriptive linguistics; syntax; semantics; pragmatics; textual complexity.

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