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vol.26 número39Honestidad académica: estado actual y formas de mejora¿Cómo reducir la probabilidad de que se desarrolle el terrorismo en una sociedad democrática? índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 0124-7441


YEVHENOVYCH ABLAMSKYI, Serhii; VOLODYMYRIVNA NENIA, Olena; GEORGIEVNA DROZD, Valentyna  y  VOLODYMYRIVNA HAVRYLIUK, Liudmyla. Substantial Violation of Human Rights and Freedoms as a Prerequisite for Inadmissibility of Evidence. Justicia [online]. 2021, vol.26, n.39, pp.47-56.  Epub 18-Mayo-2021. ISSN 0124-7441.


The aim of the article is to analyze the various legal and theoretical provisions related to the determination of legal content of the concept of finding evidence inadmissible due to substantial violation of human rights and freedoms.


The authors use general scientific and special methods that enable to obtain scientifically sound conclusions and proposals. In particular, scientific methods, such as dialectical, comparative-legal, system-structural, generalization and logical, are applied.


The problematic issues of the procedure for finding evidence inadmissible due to substantial violation of human rights and freedoms in the criminal proceedings of Ukraine are studied. Some essential violations in collecting evidence by the prosecution are under focus. The ECHR’s case-law with regard to procedure for finding evidence inadmissible is analyzed. The implementation of the doctrine of "fruit of the poisonous tree" and specificity of its application to direct and derivative evidence by domestic courts and the case law of the ECHR is considered.


The authors argue that the investigator is required to comply with the procedure for investigative actions prescribed by the provisions of the CPC of Ukraine in order to ensure human rights and freedoms. The analysis of the application of provisions of the CPC of Ukraine and the ECHR’s case law regarding the issue raised enables to formulate sound conclusions.

Palabras clave : criminal proceeding; substantial violation of human rights and freedoms; inadmissible evidences; pre-trial investigation; court..

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