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vol.26 número39Violación sustancial de los derechos humanos y las libertades como requisito previo para la inadmisibilidad de las pruebasEl intercambio académico ante la pandemia Covid-19: caso específico de los estudiantes de Educación Superior de la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León. índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 0124-7441


YURYEVICH ZELENKOV, Mikhail et al. How to lower the possibility of terrorism development in democratic society?. Justicia [online]. 2021, vol.26, n.39, pp.57-78.  Epub 19-Mayo-2021. ISSN 0124-7441.

The purpose of the present article is to identify and build a system of individual needs that promote an individual’s taking the path of terrorist activity, and to consider the process of its functioning under the destructive influences of the external and internal environment. The research methodology is based on a retrospective analysis of individual needs and socio-psychological characteristics of terrorist organizations' fighters. The system-integrated holistic approach allowed substantiating the content of the economic, political, social, and spiritual subsystems of the integral balanced system of individual needs. The focus on a systematic reflection of the research object and subject in the context of analyzing the objective reality of contemporary terrorism made it possible to reveal the relationships of the identified needs and, based on the results obtained, uncover the process of reengineering the system of individual needs into a hierarchy of needs which lead to taking the antisocial path of terrorism. The main research results include structured subsystem of the integrated system of individual’s needs, the content of needs, their components, promoting the individual to joining terrorist activities, as well as the construction of mathematical model describing the operation of the system of individual’s needs, and identifying quantitative values of the median needs, bringing the individual into a terrorist organization.

Palabras clave : anti-terrorist activity; individual; individual’s needs; terrorism; terrorist’s behaviorism.

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