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Revista Ciencias de la Salud

versión impresa ISSN 1692-7273


GIL-ROJAS, Yaneth et al. How Much Does it Cost to Train a Physician in Colombia?. Rev. Cienc. Salud [online]. 2018, vol.16, n.2, pp.219-236. ISSN 1692-7273.


The aim of this project is to estimate the costs to society of training a doctor at either a public or a private university in Colombia.

Materials and methods:

Direct and indirect costs were estimated in 2016 Colombian pesos (average exchange rate 3051 COP per US dollar), as was the return on investment, expressed as net present value, return on investment, and internal rate of return. The time required to recover the investment in studying medicine was also determined, and this was contrasted with the counterfactual of studying in another academic program. A discount rate of 12 % was used. A sensitivity analysis was performed with several alternative scenarios.


In the baseline scenario, the total cost of training a physician in Colombia is US $80, 971.80 at a private university and US $54, 971.79 at a public university (of which $14, 436.57 is contributed by the State in the latter case). The time to return of investment is 3 years 6 months for study at a public university and 7 years 3 months for study at a public university. Applying discount rates of 5 %, 7.5 %, and 12 %, studying medicine presents a higher return than that obtained by studying in another academic program.


The cost of training a medical doctor in Colombia is 70 % higher than the cost of training other professionals, but returns are greater due to subsequent higher income. Net returns are higher for graduates of public universities because their initial investment is smaller and their incomes are similar.

Palabras clave : costs and cost analysis; medical education; undergraduate; medical schools; investments.

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