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Justicia Juris

versión impresa ISSN 1692-8571


SOTO SOLANO, Miller. Social integration of the disabled: Analysis of international standards on disability from the Colombian perspective. Justicia Juris [online]. 2013, vol.9, n.2, pp.20-31. ISSN 1692-8571.

The issue of disability in Colombia has been so important in the last twenty years. Therefore, there has not been one year in which there are rules issued that aim the strengthening of social integration of a population that, for their particular condition, they find themselves in a insensitive society. Even today, despite the existence of a legal system that seeks to reduce disabilities, there is a lack of culture that adopts integration, based on solidarity including the disabled. This article is the result of the analysis of part of the international order which it refers, generally or specifically, persons with physical, mental or sensory disability. It uses a chronological approach and the international provisions. Since 1948, regulations have been issued in favor of the disabled population. Finally, there is a brief analysis of the national legislation is made and set forth the constitutional provisions that take into account this sector of the population.

Palabras clave : disabled people; the United Nations; social integration; Colombian regulations on disability.

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